G20 News

(PaulWatson) – Toronto Police Chief Lies Again To Frame Protesters

Deadly cache of weapons to be used by G20 terrorists were in fact foam-covered toys seized from man on his way to a fantasy role-playing event Read More Here

(AmnestyInternational) – Amnesty International Calls For Public Inquiry Into G20 Policing

Open Letter to Prime Minister Harper & Premier McGuinty calling for G8/G20 Summit Security Review

We are writing on behalf of the more than 80,000 members of Amnesty International across Canada to urge that you work together to launch an independent review of the security measures adopted and the range of police actions taken in association with the G20 Summit in Toronto. This letter highlights many of the crucial issues that we believe need to be examined in that independent review. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – The Toronto G20 Riot Fraud: Undercover Police engaged in Purposeful Provocation

Toronto is right now in the midst of a massive government / media propaganda fraud. As events unfold, it is becoming increasingly clear that the ‘Black Bloc’ are undercover police operatives engaged in purposeful provocations to eclipse and invalidate legitimate G20 citizen protest by starting a riot. Government agents have been caught doing this before in Canada. Read More Here

(JAHBA) – G20-Toronto Police Out of Control – Read More Here

(WSWS) – Violence and Police Repression at the G20 Summit in Toronto

The police operation was used to violently repress an overwhelmingly peaceful protest by thousands of people opposed to the policies of the governments represented at the summit. Even prior to the demonstration, police preemptively arrested alleged leaders of the protest. The massive state operation was a brazen assault on basic free speech and assembly rights. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – G20: Demonizing Democracy. Canada’s Police State

They never “opened fire” but by Canadian standards the public got a shock – a well-thought out theatrical performance – Southern style! “This only happens in places like Mexico,” one protester told me. Helicopters circling the city 24 hours a day, snipers on roof tops, the liberal use of pepper gas, rubber bullets, police on horseback, university campuses and private home raids and arrests (900 and counting), beatings (men and women, young and old of all colors including “white”), intimidation, transportation shut-downs… The list goes on. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Video: Activist Arrested On Bogus Charge To Cover For Illegal Conduct Of Toronto Police

Canadian authorities lied to media and made unlawful arrests for refusing to show ID at G20 – “Public Works Act” was never passed View More Here

(Infowars) – Video: Will G20 Police Succeed In Covering Up Reports of Rape and Torture?

Now that Canada is officially the most oppressive and backward dictatorship in the west, will authorities be allowed to cover-up the Abu-Ghraib style incarceration methods Toronto police engaged in during the G20 summit this past weekend, where women were arrested and subsequently raped by male cops? View More Here

(MakeItEightEh) – Video: Real Tyranny: Was Canada ever the Country we thought it was? – Video Link Here

(OyeTimes) – G20 public inquiry momentum grows

What began as peaceful protests during the week leading up to the G20 unfortunately escalated to dangerous violence by Saturday afternoon. Police reacted with mass arrests and temporary detention centres, reaching a record of 900 arrests. Many personal horror stories of these arrests and inhumane treatment by the Toronto Police have surfaced. Read More Here

(SteveWatson) – Police Lied About Law Demanding G20 Protesters Show ID

The Ontario government has declared that it never passed any secret emergency law allowing police to demand ID from protesters on threat of arrest in the vicinity of the G20 meeting in Toronto last weekend. Read More Here

(TorontoStar) – ‘No extra powers’ granted to police during G20 summit – Read More Here

Claim: Nuclear Material Dropped by Israeli Jets to Frame Syria

(ArabNews) – VIENNA: Syria said on Thursday that Israel dropped uranium particles onto Syrian soil from the air to make it look as if a covert nuclear weapons plant was being built there, diplomats at a UN nuclear watchdog meeting said. Continue reading