Emperors of Silent Wars – Propaganda, Destruction, and Madness

Ever since the fall of Baghdad, the volatility of virtually the entire Middle East has been ‘off the charts’. Principally, this development had to do with the ridiculous, grand-sounding imperial project of heralding in a watershed of democracy through the use of shocking and awful means. Continue reading

Houthis: Riyadh Keeps Dropping Phosphorus Bombs

(PressTV) – Yemen’s Houthi fighters say Saudi Arabia continues to strike Yemeni villages using phosphorus bombs, as the fight between security forces and fighters goes on in northern Yemen. Continue reading

Houthis Officially Take on Saudi Forces

(PressTV) – Houthi fighters say they have opened a front against Saudi Arabia in northern Yemen, as the Saudi invaders reportedly step up their offensives against the Shia population. Continue reading