We Are All War Criminals

Our nation is still recovering from the November 5, 2009, shootings at Ft. Hood in Killeen, Texas.  We are waiting for some sense of normalcy to return after such a shocking event.  How unbelievable it is for this tragedy to occur; after all, our occupations had been going so well until this point.  Just ask the Iraqi people.  Wait, scratch that.  Ok, ask the Afghan people.  Nevermind.  Just ask U.S. veterans.  Oh boy.  If we ask the people who are living the horrors, then maybe what happened at Ft. Hood isn’t so shocking at all.  What is surprising is that we haven’t seen more of the same. Continue reading

Hell Comes Home – Killing is the ultimate traumatic experience

There’s no armor, it turns out, for conscience.
So our men and women are coming home from the killing fields wounded in their heads, used up, greeted only by the military’s own meat grinder of inadequate health care and intolerance for “weakness.” Continue reading