BP Oil Gusher

(G4) – Video: BP Oil Spill Effect on Wildlife

Kevin Pereira’s special report on the devastating BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico continues with his look at the oil’s impact on the fragile wildlife. View Video Here

(KurtNimmo) – Is Toxic Corexit Rain Killing Crops in Mississippi?

Yobie Benjamin, writing for The San Francisco Chronicle, is reporting what nobody else in the corporate media is reporting — a mysterious disease has stricken crops in Mississippi and it may be connected to the BP oil gusher. Video Link Here

(SFGate) – BP Welcomes You to the Apocalypse

I was just reading up on six of the worst-case scenarios resulting from the BP spill, all sorts of horrors and tragedies, abuses and unspeakables, from dire seafood shortages to horrifying ecosystem destruction, wildlife mutilation to all the years and decades before the gulf region will be anywhere near recovered. These scenarios all were, in a word, bleak. They were, in three more, thoroughly f–ing depressing. Read More Here

(TheIntelHub) – Controlled media blackout underway as Gulf oil spill crisis ensues – Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Gulf residents say chemicals & oil “are making them violently ill”; “Almost all” Exxon Valdez cleanup workers “are now dead” – Video Link Here

(WPost) – Each day, another way to define worst-case for oil spill

The net effect is that nothing about this well seems crazy anymore. Week by week, the truth of this disaster has drifted toward the stamping ground of the alarmists. Read More Here

(WKRG) – Former Oil Worker Says Cleanup Just For Show – Read More Here

(SkyWatchCanada) – Loop Current Lies

As we reach day 67 of the Gulf oil gusher, the useless cleanup effort run by the very company that caused the disaster has been even more abysmal than their failure to prevent it in the first place. Read More Here

(USAToday) – 80% chance of Gulf-bound tropical depression in Caribbean

A low-pressure area over the western Caribbean now has an 80% chance of developing into a tropical depression as it heads toward the Yucatan Peninsula and the Gulf of Mexico, the National Hurricane Center reports in their 2:00 p.m. update. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Oil Industry Insider and CFR Member Predicts Gulf Evacuation

In response to a tropical storm brewing in the Caribbean, Simmons says: “We’re going to have to evacuate the gulf states. Can you imagine evacuating 20 million people?… This story is 80 times worse than I thought.” Read More Here

Video: Kindra Arnesan – What’s Really Going On in the Gulf – Video Link Here

(StPetersburgTims) – Despite concerns, dispersant use continues on gulf oil spill

A month ago the Environmental Protection Agency ordered BP to stop spraying so much dispersant on oil gushing from the Deepwater Horizon well and to find a less toxic alternative to the chemical it was using.

BP is still spraying the same stuff — under the brand name Corexit — that led to EPA concerns in May. Although it has decreased the total amount used, BP has exceeded the recommended daily level of 15,000 gallons sprayed beneath the surface of the Gulf of Mexico. And so far, neither BP nor the EPA has found an effective but less toxic alternative to Corexit. Read More Here

(FreedomFilesUS) – Video: Freedom Files with James Burns – Oilpocalypse – View Video here

(NaturalNews) – BP is burning rare sea turtles alive, blocking efforts to save them

By now, almost everyone is aware of the out-of-control oil spill down in the Gulf of Mexico that seems to be getting exponentially worse with each passing day. But what people may not know is that BP’s efforts to control the oil by burning it are actually burning alive a certain rare and endangered species of sea turtle. Read More Here

(IntelHub) – Washington Post – Matt Simmons says 20 million people to be evacuated

Over the last few weeks, the mainstream media has slowly opened up to the possibility of the evacuation of the Gulf. The army has openly admitted that the National Guard is there in order to help with possible evacuations and now we have the Washington Post running an article that states, “20 million to be evacuated.” Read More Here

(StPetersburgTimes) – USF scientists find long line of oil 6 inches under the sand at Pensacola Beach

The sugar-sand beach here appeared cleaner Thursday, after workers picked up tar balls overnight with shovels and nets. By noon they had collected 44,955 pounds of tar balls and oil material, according to the Escambia County Emergency Operations Center.

But a University of South Florida geologist made a grim discovery Thursday morning, 24 hours after the worst oil onslaught in Florida so far. Read More Here

Video: Rare Aerial footage of MASSIVE Oil Landfall in Pensacola Beach Florida – Shot June 23

This is the ONLY aerial footage that has come out of the area after this devastating oil landfall yesterday..

(PoorRichardsBlog) – BP Labor Camps

UPDATE at the end of the article… Leak is worse due to an “accident” and two clean-up workers are dead.

Disaster capitalism is the way of the entire country right now. Employers large and small are taking advantage of the dismal economic climate and they are padding their profit margins by rolling back pay rates and benefits for the average working man. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Video: BP’s Blowout Preventer is Leaning and Might Fall Over

As I have previously noted, it is now clear that there is damage to BP’s well beneath the sea floor.

Recently-retired Shell Oil President John Hofmeister told MSNBC yesterday:
The question is whether there is enough mechanical structure left at the base of the reservoir to hold the cement when they start pouring cement in [from the relief well]. View More Here

(ABC7) – Pensacola Beach closed because of oil spill

Government officials closed about a quarter-mile section of Casino Beach on Thursday. Thick pools of oil washed ashore there Wednesday. Read More Here

(GatewayPundit) – Video: It Begins… Plans to Evacuate Tampa Bay Are Put Into Place …Update: Pensacola Beach Closed

As Barack Obama continues to golf, hit the ballpark, BBQ and party, the BP oil slick is now threatening Tampa Bay. Authorities have set up plans for evacuation. Veterans Today reported: Video Link Here

(HuffingtonPost) – BP Oil Slick Now Threatens 60 Percent of America’s Tidal Marshes

New data has been released showing that the massive BP oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico is already contaminating one major protected North American Marine Ecoregion, containing more than 60-percent of America’s tidal marshes, and is threatening at least two more. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – BP Has Built An Artificial Island To Get Around Offshore Drilling Ban In Alaska

BP plans to begin drilling two miles under the sea just miles away from a delicate wildlife reserve in Alaska. The company will get around the deep-water moratorium by constructing an artificial island — 31 acres of gravel — and registering as an onshore rig. Read More Here

(EnergyTribune) – An Oilicane?

The gulf oil spill is bad but it could become much, much worse and soon. The threat is a hurricane moving over the spill. If a hurricane’s violent winds track over the spill, we could witness a natural and economic calamity that history has never recorded anywhere or anytime. We will literally be in oil-soaked waters. We will have witnessed the first oilicane. Read More Here

Video: Surf On Pensacola Beach Boiling Like Acid – View Video Here

MSM: Whistleblower Claims That BP Was Aware Of Cheating On Blowout Preventer Tests

(HuffingtonPost) – As the federal and congressional probes continue into the causes of the Gulf oil rig explosion, new information is coming to light about the failure of a key device, the blowout preventer, to shut off the gushing well, which could have prevented the growing catastrophe.

And new questions are being raised about the testing of the preventers. At today’s hearing before a House subcommittee, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., revealed that the blowout preventer had a leak in a crucial hydraulic system and had failed a negative pressure test just hours before the April 20 explosion. And at a hearing in Louisiana on Tuesday, the government engineer who gave oil giant BP the final approval to drill admitted that he never asked for proof that the preventer worked. Read More Here

See Also:

(Oil-Price) – Use nukes to contain the oil spill

A leading Russian daily has come up with another option-nuke the spill. Though it sounds more like fiction and somewhat outlandish, the fact is that Soviet Russia had used controlled nuclear explosions to contain oil spills, on at least five different occasions. Read More Here

(McClatchy) – Video: Oil spill: BP had wrong diagram to close blowout preventer – Read More Here

(Examiner) – Dead Dolphins found on Gulf Shore as spill moves to threaten National Wildlife Refuge – Read More Here

(Rense) – Hay Was Used Successfully On The 1969 Santa Barbara Oil Spill – Read More Here

(McClatchy) – Alaska’s Murkowski blocks Senate on higher oil spill liability – Read More Here