Video: WeAreChangeLA Injects H1N1 Flu Propagandist with a Dose of Common Sense

Jeremy and Mike of We Are Change Los Angeles ask the tough questions to the Deputy Minister of Health from Mexico about the swine-flu and the H1N1 vaccine that is being propagated to us on a mass scale globally. Continue reading

Nazis Par Excellence

Israeli propagandists routinely dismiss comparisons between Nazi Germany and Israel as “corrupt” and “far-fetched.” Some Zionists would even argue that only pathological anti-Semites would dare make such comparisons.

However, in light of what Israel has been and is doing to the Palestinians, including the present ruthless blockade of the Gaza Strip, and the slow, agonizing death meted out to innocent Gazans, any honest person shouldn’t fail to observe the striking similarity between the Nazi mentality and the collective Israeli mindset. Continue reading