Video: CSPAN – They Want ‘Mama’ to Make it All Better – Rep. Marcy Kaptur

“While the banks get to run home to ‘Mama,’ and they are crying, we really have to ask ourselves what has ‘Mama’ given us here? What does it say about our values when we pump 100’s of billions of dollars into preserving wall streets bad boys, while ignoring the plight of the American people? Across main streets from coast to coast, people are losing their homes, but are Mr. Paulson or Mr. Bernanke giving them any bet on the upside? They’re not even helping them on the downside all their giving them is a bill for wall streets excesses.”

“I feel sorry for this country. Wheres the federal reserve? Wake up America, wake up America!”

September 17, 2008 C-SPAN Continue reading