BP Volcano

(WashingtonsBlog) – Liveblogging Top Kill – Read More Here

(WSWS) – White House Admits BP Disaster Worst Spill in US History

After downplaying for weeks the significance of the Gulf Coast oil spill, the White House admitted on Monday that the Deepwater Horizon disaster constitutes the worst oil spill in US history. The admission from the White House comes as the Obama administration continues to insist that the response to the oil spill remain in the hands of BP. Read More Here

(TomDispatch) – BPing the Arctic? Will Obama Allow Shell Oil to Do to Arctic Waters What BP Did to the Gulf?

Bear with me. I’ll get to the oil. But first you have to understand where I’ve been and where you undoubtedly won’t go, but Shell’s drilling rigs surely will — unless someone stops them. Read More Here

FLASHBACK – (Politico) – Obama biggest recipient of BP cash

While the BP oil geyser pumps millions of gallons of petroleum into the Gulf of Mexico, President Barack Obama and members of Congress may have to answer for the millions in campaign contributions they’ve taken from the oil and gas giant over the years. Read More Here

(Cryptogon) – Transocean Will Make $270 Million from Insurance Payout on Destroyed Oil Rig

The rig that blew up was over-insured by $270 million. Fascinating coincidence!

Hmm. Did BP hold dead peasant insurance on the rig workers who died? Read More Here

(Cryptogon) – Civil Fine in Gulf Spill Could be $4,300 a Barrel

A clause buried deep in the U.S. Clean Water Act may expose BP and others to civil fines that aren’t limited to any finite cap — unlike a $75 million limit on compensation for economic damages. The Act allows the government to seek civil penalties in court for every drop of oil that spills into U.S. navigable waters, including the area of BP’s leaking well. Read More Here

(SkyTruth) – BP / Gulf Oil Spill – 39 Million Gallons And Growing

The MODIS / Terra satellite image of the Gulf taken yesterday (May 24, 2010) is a relatively cloud-free look at the ongoing oil spill in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Areas covered by oil slick and sheen are marked with a solid orange line. View Image Here

(BP) – Live feeds from remotely operated vehicles (ROV) – Live Feed Here

(BusinessInsider) – Based On The BP Live Cam, It Looks Like The Leak Just Got A LOT Worse

Blogger Monkeyfister has been watching the BP Live Cam all week and commenting on strange disruptions and gas explosions.

His account suggests the situation is worse than BP is letting on, and it’s deteriorating: Read More Here

(Rense) – BP = “Benzene Pullutants” – A Short Benzene Toxicity Primer – How to Stay Healthy – A. True Ott, PhD

What is unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico is truly a nightmare of epic proportions. Untold millions (if not billions) of gallons of raw crude oil, mixed with natural gas has been spewing (not spilling) into the pristine waters of the Gulf of Mexico for over a month. All efforts to plug the massive leak have ended in abject failure. Sadly, the “mainstream media”is failing to accurately report the substantial health risks the massive oil geyser is posing to all coastal residents.

Raw crude oil is naturally loaded with a petrochemical called benzene. Unfortunately, several regulatory agencies (e.g., the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], and the International Agency for Research on Cancer) classify benzene as a confirmed human carcinogen (CHC). In other words, benzene causes cancer and other chronic disease states.1 This paper will review the dangers of benzene exposure, and offer solutions to help detoxify the body following exposure –either via the air, or by sea water, or rain and precipitation in contact with the skin. Read More Here

(CNN) – Video: Anderson Cooper – Clean Up Effort Only Seems To Be Going On When The Cameras Are Rolling!!! – Continue reading