
(InfoClearingHouse) – Finance 101: Blame the Poor (While Taking Their Money) – Read More Here

Video: Daniel Cohn-Bendit (english subtitles) about Greece’s financial woes

Euro deputy Daniel Cohn-Bendit (Greens/EFA) challenges the European Commission and Parliament about their stance on financial support for Greece. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Why The UK Is The Next European Country To Experience A Massive Debt Crisis – Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Video: Jim Rogers – Gold has HUGE potential! – Video Link Here

(DrHousingBubble) – Housing never really improved – 10 charts showing the United States housing market is entering the second wave of problems. 1 out of 4 people with no mortgage payment in the last year are still not in the foreclosure process – Read More Here

(FinancialTimes) – Portugal to unveil ‘crisis tax’ to cut deficit

José Sócrates, Portugal’s prime minister, will announce tough new austerity measures on Thursday, including a “crisis tax” on companies and wages, to accelerate cuts in the country’s gaping budget deficit. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – CEO Predicts Market Armageddon: Dow To 5,000

Cornerstone Wealth Management CEO David Hefty agrees with a growing number of other financial experts that a real estate collapse in China before the end of the year will send shockwaves through the global economy, leading to a stock market collapse which will send the Dow into free fall below the 5,000 level. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Gerald Celente – “we are going to see more and more violence” Greek Crisis

Amid a financial bailout in Europe, it is the banks that are doing the robbing, says trend forecaster Gerald Celente. He believes the ensuing protests are well-deserved and will not stop. Video Link Here

(PeterSantilli) – You Are Being Lied To By The Entire Financial System

Almost every US Corporation will do and say anything to keep us spending money, regardless of what they know about the fragility of our entire financial system. Bankster’s are now using world governments as patsies to commit the largest heist in world history. Stealing a trillion dollars from US citizens proved to be too difficult, as they had to receive congressional approval to bail themselves out. They’re recent scam involves using central banks to bypass democracy & funnel money to offshore entities without oversight. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – Video: Raw Footage Of Violent Bailout Protests In Ireland

It’s not just Greece. Via The Daily Bail, here’s what the Irish street looks like, as protesters attempt to storm parliament in protest of bank bailouts. Video Link Here

(InternationalForecaster) – Europe and America Morally and Financially Bankrupt – Bob Chapman

Greece has its immediate financing. Now the question is can they follow the prescription? In all likelihood the answer is no. the bond markets are reflecting that via a lack of confidence. In fact, some bond markets are falling apart and there is no end in sight. We have bond rating firms lowering ratings, as the rating services themselves are under serious fire and we do not believe they will be around long. The big question is why did it take two years and 10 months to react? Read More Here

(ZeroHedge) – First Gold, Now Europe Running Out Of Silver – Tyler Durden

Earlier we noted that the Austrian mint was on its way to depleting its gold reserves following “panicked buying” from Europeans, who now openly fear the demise of their currency. Now, courtesy of Slim Beleggen, we understand that the situation in the silver market is just as bad and has also spilled over to Germany: the contagion is no longer one of sovereign debt, but of precious metal physical inventory. Read More Here

(PaulWatson) – Gold Could Explode To $3,000 As Confidence In Currencies Collapses

Financial analyst David Rosenberg says gold could explode to $3,000 an ounce as European investors dump the ailing euro in exchange for the precious metal while JP Morgan states that bullion could face unlimited demand as panic buying ensues on the back of crumbling confidence in fiat currencies. Read More Here

(FoxBusiness) – Video: Peter Schiff – Buy Gold – Video Link Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Gerald Celente – Banks robbing the people – Video Link Here

(Bloomberg) – Video: Is Portugal the next Greece? – Video Link Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – California Is More Likely to Default than Iceland or Iraq

The Federal Reserve isn’t the only one who owns credit default swaps betting that California will default.

As Ed Harrison points out, credit default traders have now ranked California in the list of top 10 governments most likely to default, with a 20% default probability: Read More Here

(WSJ) – Gulf Oil Spill Is Spoiling Tourism

A survey conducted by the Knowland Group May 3 and 4 of 50 hotel properties along the Gulf Coast found that 35% of respondents say the oil spill has prompted potential guests to cancel their reservations. Read More Here

(BusinessInsider) – The U.S. Government Is About To Get Hit With ‘The Perfect Storm’ Of Debt – Read More Here

(Examiner) – Economist Tim Madden: The PIIGS Brief: understanding how oligarchs rig, loot our economies. 3 of 4

Tim Madden is an economist with expertise on credit and banking. Tim and I are colleagues in lobbying government for public banking, with concentration in the US for state-owned banks (and here). The good news is that structural solutions to our economic controlled demolition are obvious and simple; and explained beautifully by many of America’s brightest historical minds. The bad news is that we’re still mired in oligarchic looting of our economies. Read More Here

(IceNews) – Yet another day of Iceland banking arrests

Ingolfur Helgason, the former Director of Kaupthing Iceland, and Steingrimur Karason, former CEO of the bank’s risk management department, were both arrested today upon arriving back in Iceland. They went straight to interrogation with the Special Prosecutor and are being held in police cells. Read More Here

Lots Of Layoffs As The Depression Worsens

Ciena Corporation – 140 International Jobs
Jordan School District Utah – 190
Apria Healthcare – 29
City of Garfield NJ – Considering 20 Job Cuts
The city of Lewiston Maine – 22 Positions
Takeda Pharmaceutical Chicago – 500
Diageo Plc, – Job Cuts Coming Soon
Auburn University AL – 12 Custodian Workers
Update: Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools – 500 Layoff Notices
Long Beach School District – 243
Oceanside Unified School District – Finalize 61 Layoffs
The Mt. Diablo school CA – 200
Peterborough Regional Health ( International ) – 20 Management
Ranch Market – 200
NY Health and Hospitals Corporation – 500
Viz Media – 60
Los Angeles CA – 1,700 Layoffs Needed to Close Budget Gap
Milford Hospital Connecticut – Layoffs are planned
AM General Mishawaka plant – 50
The City of Xenia Ohio – 9
Chevron Corporation – 925
Barnegat Township Schools NJ – 25 More
General Dynamics/NASSCO – 900 San Diego Layoffs Possible
Madison Heights MI – up to 48 Possible
Rocklin Unified School District CA – 50
The El Segundo schools CA – 20

(FoxBusiness) – Video: Ron Paul – Stop the Bailout of Foreign Banks! – Continue reading

Why Do So Many Bad Things Keep Happening To The United States?

(EconomicCollapse) – At a time when the American economy is already reeling like a drunken sailor, the United States is being hit by what seems like an endless parade of horrible disasters that threaten to push the fragile financial system over the edge.  The massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that is now destroying not only the the entire economy of the Gulf Coast but also the entire way of life for hundreds of thousands of people is getting all the headlines right now, but it is far from the only major crisis that has hit the United States recently.  The old saying, “when it rains it pours”, is certainly applicable to the United States right now.  Already faced with some of the biggest economic problems in a generation, America is also being forced to deal with horrifying natural disasters, rapidly growing environmental nightmares and agricultural problems that could end up being absolutely unprecedented.  So why do so many bad things keep happening to the United States?  Does there come a point when the economic damage from all of these disasters just becomes too much?  After all, how many body blows can the “biggest economy in the world” take and still remain standing? Continue reading

Oil Spill

(MarkLevin) – Mark Levin Has a Caller Who Was on the Oil Rig in the Gulf When it Exploded – View Video Here

(RefreshNews) – Southern US Gulf states prepare for oil disaster after Deepwater Horizon slick begins to come ashore Read More Here

(Assetize) – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Captured by NASA Satellite [PICS] – Pics Here

(OpEdNews) – Whistleblower: BP Risks More Massive Catastrophes in Gulf

British Petroleum (BP) has knowingly broken federal laws and violated its own internal procedures by failing to maintain crucial safety and engineering documents related to one of the firms other deep water production projects in the Gulf of Mexico, a former contractor who worked for the oil behemoth claimed in internal emails last year and other documents obtained by Truthout. Read More Here

(KurtNimmo) – Gulf Oil Rig Fiasco: It’s About Scarcity and World Government

This is a public relations stunt designed to make Americans think the federal government is responding to the disaster. In fact, the government has no intention of doing anything significant. Obama’s response is purely cosmetic and for public consumption. Read More Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Defense Mobilizes Louisiana National Guard to Fight BP Oil Spill

It has been a frustrating day on the Louisiana Delta. High winds and rough seas kept boom-laden vessels in port while the expanding river of oil unleashed from the Transocean/Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion moved closer to environmentally-sensitive marshlands. In a move born more of desperation than expediency, the United States Defense Department authorized the deployment of the Louisiana National Guard to help local communities in the cleanup and removal of oil. Whether critical habitats can be protected from contamination is the question of the hour. Read More Here

(EpochTimes) – Air Force Called In For Gulf Oil Spill: Obama

President Obama gave a White House address Friday, regarding the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, following failed attempts to slow the flow of oil Thursday night. He gave the D.O.D. the go ahead to prepare the U.S. Air Force for participating in the oil spill cleanup. Concerns are increasing that the gallons of oil being spilled, already reaching into the millions, will lead to an environmental disaster on par with the Exxon Valdez oil tanker spill of 1989. Read More Here

(NYTimes) – BP Is Criticized Over Oil Spill, but U.S. Missed Chances to Act

As oil edged toward the Louisiana coast and fears continued to grow that the leak from a seabed oil well could spiral out of control, officials in the Obama administration publicly chastised BP America for its handling of the spreading oil gusher in the Gulf of Mexico.

Yet a review of the response suggests it may be too simplistic to place all the blame for the unfolding environmental catastrophe on the oil company. The federal government also had opportunities to move more quickly, but did not do so while it waited for a resolution to the spreading spill from BP. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Most Unreported Part Of Gulf Oil Spill – May 1, 2010 – Continue reading