Video: Minnesota Prepares For Martial Law?

Editor’s note: We have no way to verify the legitimacy of this video, however the allegations make sense.

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3 thoughts on “Video: Minnesota Prepares For Martial Law?

  1. No no no no… THIS is Minnesota preparing for martial law!!! Terrorizing Dissent – – 4 part documentary about the 2008 Republican National Convention. 2 hours – police brutality, RNC8 & more. Available free on Youtube/bittorrent via ThePirateBay etc. Copyleft!

  2. This is one of the roundabout locations (Hwy 7 and Hwy 25 west of Minneapolis). The Google satellite view (as of 3/4/2009) shows the intersection before the roundabout. There is another intersection west on Hwy 7 that has the second roundabout. The strange thing about these roundabouts is that the mound in the middle is quite large. My guess is that the reason for that is simply so that someone at night doesn’t plow through the roundabout because there were only a few signs in the middle (a huge mound as seen at night would be a good reason to slow down whereas a sign could be missed).,-95.531015&sspn=0.029522,0.048666&ie=UTF8&ll=44.905618,-93.870095&spn=0.00386,0.006083&t=h&z=17&iwloc=addr

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