Video: Record Low Temperatures Hit Northeast

As politicians in Washington, DC debate what to do about global warming, the Northeast has been hit with record low temperatures this morning.

According to ABC News, the cities of Binghamton and Rochester in New York and Hartford, CT experienced record lows for July today.

Meanwhile, here in the Granite State, temperatures in Concord fell to 47-degress this morning, the lowest since 1940. Temperatures in Portsmouth came within one degree of the lowest ever in July.

3 thoughts on “Video: Record Low Temperatures Hit Northeast

  1. There is more an more proof that the human race cannot go on with using the amount of energy it does.
    We really do need to get more efficient with energy and reduce the use of fossil fuels. The economic crisis is just a rimple compared with the tidal wave called ‘Climate Change’ that is approaching mankind.

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