Urgent Action: Stop the NAIS, Anti-Family Farms Bill

(C4L) – This just in from the National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (NICFA):


HR 2749, the All Industrial Agriculture bill, could be voted on in the House of Representatives Tuesday.  Please call your Congressman immediately and request that he or she reject this bill.  Normal voting rules have been suspended to try and ram this through, so please call immediately.

This bill will:

  • Mandate NAIS (National Animal Identification System)
  • Allow industrializations of all farms
  • Give the federal government arbitrary power to force any practices they choose on any farm.
  • Allow the federal government to outlaw raw milk

This bill will not create the food safety it claims (it’s actually called The Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009).  It will make the our food supply less safe by eliminating small farms and centralizing production and processing more than it is already.

ACTION:  Please call your Congressman immediately and ask him or her to vote AGAINST HR2749.
Contact info: http://www.House.gov

There is no amendment that will “fix” this bill.  An amendment proposed by Representative Kaptur has not been accepted and will not fix the problems in this bill anyway.  We want to stop this bill.

Yours for small farms and real food,

Deborah Stockton, Executive Director
National Independent Consumers and Farmers Association (NICFA)

Please use our contact Congress page to contact your representatives.  Urge them to vote against HR 2749, the so-called Food Safety Enhancement Act of 2009.


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