They REALLY Want You Dead

“THEY WANT YOU DEAD” states the tagline for the film ENDGAME, Alex Jones’ documentary regarding the plans for the NWO and its population reduction agenda. When the film debuted two years ago, few were aware what the phrase “New World Order” even referred to. Of course, everyone was still riding on the high hog of the housing bubble, and those in control were telling us everything was fantastic (well, everyone except those marginalized few who were right about everything that subsequently happened, like Ron Paul and Peter Schiff… and whose opinions are still marginalized, I might add). However, since the last election, the phrase “New World Order” has become commonplace. Barack Obama has used it openly; Henry Kissinger has called upon Obama to create one on multiple occasions; and recently, more than 50 heads of state have all proclaimed the need for a New World Order to tackle the financial meltdown.

So, it turns out that this wacky ”conspiracy theory” — as the mainstream media would label it —  is actually true. Now, before I continue discussing anything that might be construed as conspiratorial, I’d like to share a few thoughts on the word “conspiracy”. The media has propagandized this word to a point where the mere mention of something being a “conspiracy” automatically debunks whatever the conspiracy presented may be. Television shows illustrate such people as unusually twitchy and/or hallucinatory, often babbling incoherently to themselves alone in the street. For example, a recent episode of the popular show “Burn Notice” featured a twitchy, fast talking “conspiracy theorist” who was dead right on everything he said in the show… except for the fact that he also thought everyone involved in the conspiracies were aliens. Unfortunately, this is about the best it gets for us.

However, the word “conspiracy” is merely two or more individuals colluding in an immoral or illegal means. History can practically be read from one conspiracy to the next. Certainly more than one accident to the next, as politicians would like us to believe. As a result of media propaganda keeping people from listening to anyone outside of the box they’ve captured and held most of our minds, we have a knee jerk reaction to the word “conspiracy” and always attach it to the word “theory”. This brainwashing and mutilation of the word “conspiracy” has kept us from acknowledging and confronting the actual conspiracy facts occurring around us that caused this whole mess. Unfortunately, we gladly accept “conspiracy theories” presented by the government controlled media; they just don’t call it that. For example, they blame overpaid CEO’s as the problem to our financial woes… or CO2 as warming the planet. Those are theories, based on no real facts, that most people accept on faith alone because the people in their “tube” said it was true. The media doesn’t even have to refute alternative theories to their own with facts; they can get most of the population to ignore experts based upon ridiculing them as a “conspiracy theorist”.

History also shows that government is almost always conspiring against the public. FDR once said that “In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happened, you can bet it was planned that way.” What does this say about all of the negative ramifications of his New Deal policies? What does it say about all the fed induced bubbles? What does it say about all of Bush’s and Obama’s seemingly gigantic “mistakes”? It defies all logic to conclude that Bush or Obama were “making mistakes” because of being inexperienced, stupid, or crazy. This would be more of a theory than anything. Worse, it keeps people from looking at the facts and attempting to connect any dots. If we don’t connect dots, then we will never be able to confront a problem before it is right on top of us, which is what we’re up against now. If people had listened 50 years ago, 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago and looked at the mountain of evidence piling up, we may have been able to save this country much more easily (if we even can at this point).

So, why don’t people listen? Hitler has some interesting insight:

“in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.” —Adolf Hitler , Mein Kampf, vol. I, ch. X

Well, it’s time to wake up folks and re-discover what makes us different from animals. We need to start thinking, learning, and spreading the message because this isn’t just about our basic freedoms. This is about our very lives. They really do “WANT YOU DEAD”!

Warning: I’m about to do the crazy conspiracy theorist thing of using research, quotes, and facts in combination with some logic to make my argument. After which, you may forward it to Jon Stewart, who will make a quick quip, and you can join the audience as they bark like trained seals, ridiculing us with no intelligent rebuttal necessary.  Just don’t say you weren’t warned.

Back to the article:

Eugenics did not end with the Nazi’s. The plans for mass Democide (death by government) are happening right before our very eyes. If you are unfamiliar with the basic history of eugenics and its twin “population control”, Paul Joseph Watson offers a succinct intro to the subject in his article “The Population Reduction Agenda For Dummies“.

For those of us already familiar with the agenda, headlines in today’s papers read like obituataries for billions of innocent people in the coming months/years.

Population Reduction Through Abortion

Item #1: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recently said in regards to the Roe vs. Wade decision: “Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.”

Which populations is she talking about? Does it matter? Obviously, those populations don’t include Ms. Ginsburg.

Item #2: The July 20th, 2009 issue of The New American magazine featured a review of a new documentary on DVD entitled “Killing Girls”. According to the article, the documentary illustrates how “80 percent of Russian women have between two and 10 abortions each. Moreover, many of these are performed late term, despite the fact that the government offers free abortion up to 12 weeks gestation”. This is the kind of thing we can soon expect from government health care. Furthermore, the reviewer goes on to state that the law in Russia “allows girls 15 and older to get abortions without parental consent”.

It doesn’t matter if you’re pro-life or pro-choice. This is reprehensible by any moral standard. Did I mention that this documentary tries to paint all this in a positive light?

Item #3: Obama’s Science Czar Considered Forced Abortions, Sterilization as Population Growth Solutions

You’ll notice in the article above that a defender for Mr. Holdren attempts to deny that he holds such views and “has been one of the most well-respected and prominent scientific voices urging the federal government to address global warming”. Unfortunately, for Mr. Holdren’s defense, his thoughts are in writing, and fighting for global warming actually stacks more evidence against him.

Population Reduction Through “Global Warming”

gore_firegloablawarminghoaxGlobal warming is based on the theory that CO2 is causing the planet to warm. Thus, since human activity causes CO2, we need to either re-learn to live like cavemen or reduce the population by 80-90% for “sustainability”. If we don’t, Ted Turner predicts that in 30-40 years “most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals”.

Think he’s crazy? That may be true, but he recently got together with a lot of other crazy billionaires, including eugenicist financier David Rockefeller, to see what they could do to help fulfill their sick fantasy of population reduction. Remember, according to Ted, we’re all going to die or become cannibals in 30-40 years, so whatever actions are taken have got to be done quick.

Now, these psychopaths use the word “sustainability” to delude good people into believing that this all has to do with being in harmony with nature, but the word really applies to their attempt to have a population that can be maintained at a controllable level. Too many people means too much liability for resistance or uprising.

Of course, anyone who has done one iota of research on global warming knows that it is a complete sham. There is not one shred of evidence that CO2 has ANY correlation with the planet’s temperature. This eugenicist backed theory has been thoroughly debunked in many books and documentaries on the subject, such as “The Great Global Warming Swindle” and “Global Warming or Global Governance?”.

Besides that, if CO2 were really a problem, what kind of a solution is taxation? You will never see a call for free market solutions to any of these problems because it’s not about solutions. It’s about control. Control not only OVER the population by being able to exert force over industry and anything that breathes, but also being able to REDUCE the population… Carbon legislation will keep 3rd world countries from developing, as well as tear apart the developed ones.

Finally, since livestock emit more CO2 than humans, under carbon taxation the government will be able to put limitations on food production. But since there are other ways to remain healthy than eating meat, other means will be necessary to kill you…

Population Reduction Through Codex Alimentarius and “Food Safety”

As of December 31st, 2009 all vitamins are scheduled to be relabeled as poisons. You heard right. This is apart of the trade agreement known as Codex Alimentarius.  If you are unfamiliar with this insipid legislation, you can start your education with this article, but I really recommend watching this presentation by Dr. Rima Laibow.

Sound far fetched? Then you haven’t been reading the labels on your vitamin bottles. Many vitamin manufacturers have been monopolized by major pharmaceutical companies (working in conjunction with the FDA). You’ll notice that, if you’re getting vitamins off the shelf at your local grocery store, they are already being diluted with chemical fillers and low grade vitamin substitutes. As board certified nutritionist Byron Richards points out in his book “Fight For Your Health”:

“The supplements that Codex plans to leave on the market will contain near-worthless amounts of a few selected nutrients, wrapped up in a package of chemicals. Supplements of this type can already be purchased from the large drug companies. Typical mass-market multiple vitamins include low quality ingredients like coal-tar derived vitamins (dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate and synthetic beta carotene), miniscule amounts of the cheapest forms of B-vitamins, low-quality minerals (calcium carbonate and magnesium oxide), a dose of various chemical fillers and common allergens (crospovidone, croscarmellose sodium, talc, cornstarch), and chemical time-release agents (polyethylene glycol and hypromellose). Another mass-market example has additives that include BHT, FD&C, yellow 6 aluminum lake, sodium aluminum silicate, sodium benzoate, asorbic acid, sucrose, and lactose monohydrate (milk). These are chemical tablets masquerading as vitamins; under Codex guidelines they will be sold as stellar examples of nutritional supplements. I, personally, would never dream of putting such a supplement in my body, even if it were the last available supplement on earth.”

In addition, organic foods and the food supply in general are under attack under the so called “Food Safety Bill”.  The bill is scheduled to be brought to the floor THIS WEEK and, according to The American Association For Health Freedom, some of our main concerns about this legislation should be:

(1) The bill establishes an annual $500 user fee that subsidizes giant food processors at the expense of small and family-owned businesses which is simply unfair;

(2) It lumps small farms and processors into the same category as large agribusiness operations, and creates complicated regulations without special rules for small businesses;

(3) Allows the FDA to directly regulate farming practices—be it a large commercial farm or a small organic operation; and

(4) Increases the FDA’s authority dramatically with no corresponding increase in oversight of the agency such as unlimited access to any and all records—without cause—and the ability to impose substantial criminal and civil fines—without a showing of harm—for administrative violations.

Furthermore, Obama has appointed former Monsanto lobbyist Michael Taylor as a senior adviser to the Food and Drug Administration Commissioner on food safety.  If you don’t know why GMO foods and Monsanto are bad for your health, set aside some time to watch “The World According to Monsanto” and “The Future of Foods“.

Population Reduction Through Universal Healthcare

Under socialized care, the government will act as a deciding mediary between you and your healthcare provider.  Socialized medicine ALWAYS leads to rationing and reduced care, as well as stunts innovation. Elderly people will become a low priority, and cost vs. the benefits of keeping you alive will be weighed by the governments calculator. This opens pandora’s box for the government to also start regulating your eating habits. Here are a few highlights from the proposed “Health Care” Bill:

Pg 425 Lines 4-12 Government mandates Advance Care Planning Consultations.

Pg 425 Lines 17-19 Government will instruct & consult regarding living wills, durable powers of attorney.

Pg 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3 Government provides approved list of end of life resources, guiding you in how to die.

Pg 427 Lines 15-24 Government mandates program for orders for end of life. The Government has a say in how your life ends.

Pg 429 Lines 1-9 An “advanced care planning consultant” will be used frequently as patients’ health deteriorates.

Pg 429 Lines 10-12 “advanced care consultation” may include an ORDER for end of life plans.

Pg 429 Lines 13-25 – The Government will specify which Doctors can write an end of life order.

PG 430 Lines 11-15 The Government will decide what level of treatment you will have at end of life.

This bit of satire, from the movie “America: Freedom to Fascism” shows us a world that is not very far off, should we allow ourselves to be seduced by this gigantic scam.

Population Reduction Through Man-Made Viruses and Forced Vaccinations

As we have learned, the government is all too willing to take advantage (to our detriment) in times like this. Recently, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton uttered the phrase “never waste a good crisis”. In accordance with this logic, there is a direct incentive for the government to create a “good crisis”.  If the goal of the political and financial elite are looking to reduce the population for “sustainability”, the man-made “swine flu” virus that they are trying to use as an excuse to force vaccinate the population this fall could be a very “good crisis” indeed.

According to this 60 minutes report, the 1976 Swine Flu vaccinations caused 300 deaths, compared to one that could be attributed to the actual flu.   Thirty-three years later, the causes for concern are compounded by massive secrecy and deception at the highest levels.  Remember this little “oopsie” from the Baxter Company:

“Virus Mix Up by Lab Could Have Resulted in Pandemic”

This was just a couple months before the swine flu virus first struck. What a coincidence that a pandemic would break just shortly after this mistake was made (which, I might add, is akin to accidentally pouring laundry detergent instead of milk into your cocoa puffs). Would you trust this company to vaccinate YOU? If so, you’ll be pleased to know Baxter is manufacturing the vaccines for this “pandemic”.

I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. It’s probably also a coincidence that Baxter got the patent for this vaccine a year before the vaccine was discovered in Mexico.

But the trail leads further back than that.  If you point your browser to this site you can plainly see that, under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America agreement (signed into law in 2005 by president Bush), there is a very convenient “North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic Influenza” in place.  According to Dr. Jerome Corsi, “The International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza was designed to supersede an earlier November 2005 Homeland Security report that called for a U.S. national strategy that would be coordinated by the Departments of Homeland Security, Health and Agriculture… The U.N.-WHO-WTO-NAFTA plan advanced by SPP features a prominent role for the U.N. system influenza coordinator as a central international director in the case of a North American avian flu or pandemic influenza outbreak.”

This means that interests outside of the United States will gain control over our health and well being in pandemic situations. These are all ingredients for a “cataclysmically good crisis”.

Finally, here is must listen interview between Dr. Laibow and Major General Stubblebine on the Alex Jones show on the subject.

vaccineYet, despite all of the evidence that this is a manufactured virus and the fact that it has only killed 200 or so people in the U.S. (the regular flu kills roughly 37,000 people a year), the government has spent billions of taxpayer dollars for 195 million vaccinations from a company who filed a patent for this particular virus a year before it was even known to exist? In addition, the WHO has declared a global pandemic level 6 alert, threatening us with martial law, and we are being warned in the media about possible deaths ranging in the hundreds of thousands?  Does this make any sense?!?

If this isn’t a conspiracy, I don’t know what is. What it’s all for, I don’t know for sure. It could simply be about money. However, it may be about something much more ominous. If anything is going to happen to cause this many projected deaths, it will have to be triggered by something else (such as a vaccine). Regardless, you need to stay up to date on this, as well as learn your rights for exemption. Go to the following site for information on your States vaccination laws and learn how to protect yourself:

NVIC – State Vaccine Requirements

Under NO circumstances should you allow you or your children to take this vaccine.  It is time to get healthy and prepare for mass civil disobedience.

Source: Restore the Republic

One thought on “They REALLY Want You Dead

  1. Fear reduces your capacity to survive.
    Fear is the oldest trick in the book.
    Helpnessness is spin, around and around… Oh, and I forgot to mention anger, anger is the second trick in the dirty tricks book, so just thank them! Thank you overlords for taking us out of this miserable dirty hole we’ve dug.

    I hope we have a better grasp on this Reality thing in the next lap, but thank you!!! And may Babylone burn your houses down too, so you lawless heart can get a taste of what you do not know, what you cannot see. And we’ll be waiting for you at the last door!

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