Video: The Alex Jones Show – You Must Awaken!!

“We are descending into tyranny right now and there is no doubt they are going to launch something big, bad and ugly – with this whole flu – and very soon.” – AJ

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

2 thoughts on “Video: The Alex Jones Show – You Must Awaken!!

  1. How many things can he be wrong about before we stop holding this guy up as some kind of hero?

    The healthcare bill is “socialized” medicine? No oversight for “government” healthcare?

    The bill is a giveaway to the PRIVATE INSURANCE COMPANIES. The lack of oversight will be the lack of oversight of THOSE private companies… they are even talking about doing away with the “public option” because it would compete with the private sector companies and ultimately cost them some money.

    The first thing Alex talks about is how the WHO and the elites are attempting to use the H1N1 virus to FRIGHTEN the people to death, then he goes on to do his best to FRIGHTEN HIS LISTENERS TO DEATH…

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