Video: The Would-Be Town Hall Putsches

The well-organized thugs who are disrupting the grassroots democracy at town hall meetings, to discuss the vital issue of health care reform, have the audacity to compare President Obama with Hitler, Stalin, and other dictators: They say that “Obama care” will produce “death warrants” for seniors and millions of others, by the denial of life-saving care or even by euthanasia.

Isn’t that more or less what our private insurance health “care” system has been doing for years — producing worse health outcomes than for people in most other industrialized nations — and charging us a pretty penny — up to twice as much per person as in other countries — for the “privilege”?

Ration that.

If anyone is behaving like fascists, it’s not our democratically elected president and Congress — who are trying to discuss this life-and-death issue with their constituents like, oh I don’t know, grown-ups; but who are being shouted down and pushed around and stalked and threatened with death by big, let’s face it, bullies.

Well-coordinated bullies. How has the Right been so successful in uniting support for these disgraceful, decidedly un-American tactics? The two bedrocks of the Right have come together, each with their own agenda.

The big-business, fat cat Right is united against health care reform not only because they include big insurers who can’t compete against a public option without giving up some of the big profits they’ve been skimming off the top — money that should go to help sick people — but also because the president and most of the congressional leadership are trying to pay for the reforms not just with cost-savings in Medicare but also by surcharging the rich (who would still have more of the nation’s wealth in their hands than at any time since the Great Depression).

And the evangelical, “pro-life” Right is united by claims that those “death warrants” will end up more or less resulting in “abortion for all” — a killing off of all those who are too expensive to care for or save. Uh, again, isn’t that exactly what the current system is doing?

And then there are some “independents” who just don’t like or trust that “Kenyan” in the White House. It’s not that they’re racist; it’s just that they don’t trust “those people” (whoever “those people” are … basically anybody but one’s paranoid self) — especially if “they” want to take “our” guns. As some of the nut cases are saying now, if we don’t like our First Amendment rights of speaking freely being quashed, they’ll exercise their Second Amendment rights to bear arms. How “American”!

All in all, these bullies at town halls remind me of those in the German Beer Hall (Putsch) …

Who is demanding democracy and who is trying to shut it down?

The rabid Right’s got one thing right, though: There are indeed millions of lives at stake — those suffering and dying needlessly, for the excess profit of others, under the current system.

My late father rarely got angry. But when he once heard, years ago, that there were bullies in the boys’ room at high school who were keeping the other guys out, Dad said he’d be really pissed — at me — if I let them keep me from “doing my business” whenever I wanted to.

Just remember, inside every bully is a coward, overcompensating with shouts, fists, or even firearms. If we want those folks to run things — and they’ve been with us from time immemorial — then go ahead and let them.

But if we want to preserve and defend our democratic republic and all it stands for — What could be more quintessentially American than a town hall meeting? — then we cannot let bullies tell us what to do, or keep us from saying what needs to be said (and we likewise need to defend the rights of those who disagree with us, civilly, to speak their peace … who knows, we might not be right about everything).

Ignore the bullies when you can — so many of them just want attention, the big babies — but in any case, do not let them win. We’re fighting for the heart and soul and lives of our nation just as much as the patriots we admire in books and statues, or our men and women in uniform under fire.

Love America. Hate hate. Pity the fools.


Douglas Drenkow


3 thoughts on “Video: The Would-Be Town Hall Putsches

  1. I don’t see how this man tries to reduce everyone to racist or part of some group while he remains so holy and pro-American. Sorry, the problem cannot be simplified “right” or “left,” people need to look past that, which you obviously haven’t. I’m in the military, didn’t vote for Bush, didn’t vote for Obama and have first hand experience of govt healthcare as well as govt meetings. People could have talked at these meetings, but only the canned questions and statements. People are legitimately mad, not because they are racist, or want insurance companies to keep raking in profits, but because they don’t want govt health care and don’t think they are being heard on these things from bailouts, to wars, to health care.

    In case you were to try remembering, you’d realize that the govt put the HMO system in place. Before that it was a cash based system with much lower prices before medicaid, medicare and doctors would treat the poor for whatever they had to offer or nothing. Or if you’d watch the videos of St. Louis, you’d see the real bullies were the union members collectively beating on individuals. Canadians and British come to America for health care. Not the other way around. I and most average Americans could care less about insurance companies profits or any companies’ profits. I care about myself and others and feel that we would benefit the MOST from govt completely leaving health care and eliminating medicaid, medicare and insurance companies that artificially raise the price for everyone.

  2. I’d like to know if the author of the lying crap of an article, Douglas Drenkow, is a member of Acorn, or just what leftist socialist group he is a member of. I totally agree with Sam’s Town. The town hall meetings are a very legitimate place for We The People to have a redress of grievances, and when we are called unpatriotic organized thugs by the very ones that do organize thugs to squelch our speech, it’s time for congress and the presidency to listen and know this: If they keep up that line of lies, and continually try to paint us as unpatriotic just because we disagree, then we will start to feel we have no redress of grievances, and we will be pushed into the second revolution in this country. I think they know that, that’s why they’re building all the concentration camps. I would hate to see it come, but as Jefferson said, it’s necessary when things get to the stage they are becoming.

  3. This article is crap and should be treated as crap. The author’s resume shows that he worked for the election of the infamous Governor Red Davis of California – the guy who gave us soaring energy prices and rolling blackouts. And by the way, if you’re worried about bullies, I suggest you avoid any ACORN-sponsored events.

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