The Prophecy of Diseased Whores and Vampire Scum.

One really has only to take a good objective look at the world around them to come to certain compelling conclusions; most of the population is either hypnotized or insane, real life is imitating prophecy, something bad is coming and the people behind most of the mischief are busy at all levels trying to execute and manage what they have set into motion.


I don’t know if what I’m thinking about is proof of anything. I myself don’t need any more proof. I’m surrounded by proof everywhere I go. I step in it and it sticks to my shoes and follows me home. I open my eyes in the morning and I see it and I close my eyes and it’s still there. If proof were a body of water, I would have to move about with inflatable collars around my arms because I would eventually get tired of swimming toward some hope of land only to drown in proof.

I realize that there are many who grapple with the argument of whether there is some invisible hand that guides human affairs. Since you cannot see what is invisible you are left only with the effects of its passage like the movement of the wind. We can and do attribute the causes of behavior and events to all sorts of things and no rational and intelligent mind can long countenance the absurdities put forth by religion as they rake in their end of the global swag; there at the trough with the rest of the pig-snouted opportunists.

Let us consider that area of inquiry known as scriptural prophecy. You can look at the biblical end, the Islamic end, the Hopi and the Mayan. There are many others along with the disembodied entities channeled by a host of entrepreneurs who seem to have found their niche at the international trade show. I remember, some years ago, looking through a large new age catalogue in New York City and noticing that there were five different people channeling Moses, at the same time, as well as some number who had the inside track from Jesus Christ and then there were the outer space entities with the Star Trek names. There were just a whole lot of people doing the Charlie McCarthy thing and that was just in New York City.

You can separate what might be called legitimate prophecies from your weekend hippie fare. I’m thinking we grant a temporary legitimacy label to any institution or school of thought that’s been around for a few hundred years. It’s interesting to note that all of them are in agreement with a general climate of massive upheaval and transformation scheduled to appear sooner or later according to signs and timelines and… 2012 seems to figure into various perspectives and can be easily grafted on to the others as far as the right kind of environment goes.

What I’m thinking about is a little hard to put into words but it has a lot to do with the proof I run across whether I’m moving or standing still. Part of it is something I am feeling and I note that a whole lot of other people are feeling something too. Part of it has to do with world headlines and another part has to do with the lies and blatant distortions of the press. Part of it has to do with world trends and events and part of it has to do with wide people moving through narrow aisles of crap with enormous shopping baskets as well as trampling their fellows when the occasional end of the world sale comes along.

Some of it has to do with the present quality of entertainment and the arts of all sorts. Some of it has to do with the most concentrated areas of human focus. Some of it has to do with the political and religious theaters which now host the biggest pack of venal, lying scoundrels that the world has ever produced. Some of it has to do with a geographical area of prophecy, where a professional victim nation, which was created for the purpose of international plunder, looting and fraud-, wrapped in false flag events –have been practicing bloody genocide for sixty years on an indigenous population while the world turns its head.

Tangentially- or more than that, depending –you have natural disasters yoked like oxen to manufactured disasters along with the gratuitous wars of empire for the gain and control of resources which does not belong to the empire. The Empire is inhabited by a population that uses 25% of the world’s energy resources. That explains a lot. Along with this is the increasingly pervasive social and political control of corporations over every phase of life. We’re seeing real life inventions which mirror that ‘mark of the beast thing’ and laboratory generated flu viruses destined to control, as yet unseen, epidemics that may require mandatory inoculations of the populations.

Over at that backwater forum which regular readers have been introduced to now and again and which is called “The Best of the Fray”, one of the more clueless of the residents demanded to know where I got the information that the flu was a laboratory product. Given the immense amount of proof, readily available concerning this, it is a wonder why people don’t bother to research, study and inform themselves more …and that leads to the ‘incurious factor’ that was iconically demonstrated by the previous occupant of the White House.

One really has only to take a good objective look at the world around them to come to certain compelling conclusions; most of the population is either hypnotized or insane, real life is imitating prophecy, something bad is coming and the people behind most of the mischief are busy at all levels trying to execute and manage what they have set into motion.

The FEMA camps and the hundreds of thousands or millions of coffin liners by the sides of the highways are not new housing for the foreclosed upon any more than the coffin liners are actually porto-pottys for government sponsored rock concerts. The outrageous theft of the assets of the American people and the following bailout thefts which added insult to injury is not some sort of escrow account for future philanthropic activities. It really looks like there’s a network of super villains engaged in herding humanity on to the playing fields of Armageddon. So, I’ve got to ask… isn’t one of the main tenets of various schools of scientific inquiry based upon the interaction of opposites? What I mean is… doesn’t there have to be a counterbalance to the activities of these diseased whores and vampire scum? Doesn’t night follow day? Is there not regularity in the seasons? Doesn’t science tell us that everything we can see comes from something we can’t see? Haven’t they proven that the universe is thought born?

I’m wondering if the greatest collective enemy to the manifestations of the diseased whore, vampire scum might not be a sort of unified field of human thought in concerted awareness of their efforts. It seems to me that dividing us against each other is not just about taking advantage of the criminal opportunities that provide their daily bread but is also a form of self-defense. It appears that hoodwinking the masses is not just about profit and control but also survival. The power of human thought linked together by a collective awareness of the predators in our midst seems to imply their elimination. This is why they don’t want us to touch The Fed.

What I seem to be trying to say is… doesn’t everything that’s happening seem almost too obvious? Meanwhile… isn’t there a gradual awakening taking place? Isn’t the truth of the matter staring us in the face? Haven’t these soulless miscreants already lost?

Are we not in the last gasp of their desperate attempts at survival? Is this not why they pile lie upon lie; absurdity upon absurdity and outrage upon outrage to delay the inevitable?

Doesn’t it seem as if all of those prophecies are actually materializing right in front of us by natural means, as if all prophecy ever was, was the capacity to see the recurrence of cycles and to time them accordingly, based upon the emergence of the proper environments for their expression as… just one more object lesson for the human race?

Do you see why I might be optimistic? I don’t know what’s going to happen to me or you but I get a really good sense of the overall resolution of the thing. Heck… one of the biggest punishments I can imagine for the diseased whore, vampire scum is just to have to be one. Imagine also their disappointment in getting their hands on everything and finding out that it wasn’t what it was advertised as. That’s got to hurt. Anyway, I think there’s plenty of reason for a positive attitude regardless of the way things might look.

My friends, let’s not get trapped in these corporation generated, clouds of depression and despair. Comfort yourself with the fact that you are not a diseased whore or a vampire scum and take even greater comfort in the possession of the thing they thought their wealth and power would provide them. Have a laugh at the understanding that it cost you nothing at all but was just one of life’s mysterious gifts that seem to find their way to a worthy home.


12 thoughts on “The Prophecy of Diseased Whores and Vampire Scum.

  1. Yes ,Yes, Yes! So well said and inspiring are the words that you have written. Not to be “one of them” is a victory unto itself. As greed is the whore that brokers the soul, I am contented to know that the rest of my soul’s existence won’t be spent trying to undo what I did on this planet this time around. An honest man’s pillow is his “peace of mind”.

    It seems as though man has aways ruled over other men with the mind of a juvenile. Perpetually wallowing in the mire produced by the excrement of their hollow, shallow egos. I should rephrase that to say that modern man has. There was a time when only the wisest among us were trusted to lead nations of people. The ones that were seasoned; whose minds had matured to the point that common sense about the virtues of life and living was their nature, therefore allowing those wise ones to lead unselfishly, committed unconditionally to those that they lead.

    To slaughter without conscience, to allow slaughter and justify it in any terms that include financial gains or the advancement of an agenda puts those among us that can do this into a category other than human being.

  2. thanks
    and it is well said, the end of lucifers rule is near and he or she is loosing control of everything including his collective evil soul. you see if you no anything about evil, it tends eat itself up. this is about to take place on a grande scale, these sick, twisted, insane,demon ridden souls will fight amongst themselves over world control untill non are left standing!!!

    just pray to CHRIST that you can stay out of their way untill, it is finnished!!!!!!! amen

  3. Great words, thanks ever so much. Very refreshing in sweaty times. But they seem to draw the “Jesus” crowd who think it is about their myth :-/

    Didn’t you get what he said???…

    >>Doesn’t it seem as if all of those prophecies are actually materializing right in front of us by natural means, as if all prophecy ever was, was the capacity to see the recurrence of cycles and to time them accordingly, based upon the emergence of the proper environments for their expression>>

    He didn’t say anything about your damn “holy” book. You crazies don’t “get it.” There is absolutely no historical evidence that Jesus, Joseph, Mary, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, and others EVER existed, that ANY of the biblical events really happened. Find it, get rich.

    Organized religion has been the muscle of mad ones, beating people down into fear filled “children” unable to think for themselves.

    Faith ain’t fact, fact is fact, and that’s the fact, Jack.

  4. I’m sorry you feel that way, Jack. I really am. The author of this article made an excellent point about neglecting to do research for yourself in the midst of abundant proof. In other words, you need to look into it yourself, honestly and sincerely, before you pass judgment. You said:

    Faith ain’t fact, fact is fact

    The Bible put it this way:

    Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

    I personally know God exists because I have A) studied the scriptures, B) lived the teachings of Jesus, and C) received the promised blessings. It’s that simple. Miracles are given to us as signs, after a demonstration of our faith, and I can tell you honestly that I have experienced miracles- things that were very specific and did not require any sort of interpretation or fact-twisting to see them as such. These were very private experiences, so I choose not to share them in such a public forum, but I will be happy to do so in private.

    Much of organized religion today is as bad as you say, but not all of it. You cannot disprove the existence of an original speaker simply because false people come claiming to represent him. That’s like saying that there never was true Conservatism or Liberalism. There were! And, as far as I understand, they were both good things! But we cannot judge those terms or their adherents by the false face of the false crowd that has claimed to represent them in our time! Myron Fagan explained it best in his expose’ on the Illuminati, about 75 years ago, when he explained how many existing religions, and their messages, had been co-opted and corrupted by the Illuminati in order to further their agenda.

    Do not let the Illuminati-sponsored churches convince you that there is no God! THAT IS THEIR MESSAGE AND IT IS A POWERFUL PLATFORM FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF WORLD GOVERNANCE!

    Instead, seek for yourself. I know that God is real, and this knowledge is the direct product of personal study, prayer, and experiences. I am not a “fear-filled child, unable to think for myself.” I am a Mormon.

  5. to all christians!

    don’t allow yourself to be dragged into to a dialog to concesus debate with morons like frank!!! stay true to your beliefs and let the ignorant heathen fall where they may. CHRIST made it perfectly clear that that a large population of humans would never see the truth. our job is to warn them and that is it!!!
    move on to someone that may except the truth and need your help in learning!!!!!!!

    GOD help your children!!!

  6. >>D. Rolling Kearney said
    August 18, 2009 at 4:31 am

    I’m sorry you feel that way, Jack. I really am.>>

    My name is Frank, not Jack. I don’t “feel” that way, I “think” that way as a freeman not caught up in the religious church state’s lies.

    >>Anonymous said
    August 18, 2009 at 10:29 am

    to all christians!

    don’t allow yourself to be dragged into to a dialog to concesus debate with morons like frank!!!>>

    So I am a moron for having an opinion that differs with yours? Since you are unable to captialize words perhaps you can at least explain what [concesus debate] means??

    Your name calling, intolerant philosophy does fit in with the Christian perspective:

    2 Kings 2:23-24 Kill Brats
    1Samuel 6:19-20 ASV God Kills the Curious
    1 Kings 20:35-36 Lion Killed for Disobeying
    Leviticus 24:10-16 Death for Blasphemy
    Deuteronomy 13:1-5 Kill False Prophets
    Exodus 22:20 Must kill those who worship another god.
    Deuteronomy 13:6-10 Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own.
    Deuteronomy 13:12-16 Kill all the people of any city who worship differently than you.
    Deuteronomy 17:2-7 Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own.
    2 Sam 6:3-7 Kill Good Samaritan from anger

    Find proof outside of the bible that there was a Jesus and get rich…and no, Josephus doesn’t count (90 years too late.)

  7. My apologies for failing to fill out the info, I thought it was an auto fill from last time. I most certainly don’t want to make comments hidden behind an anonymous by line.

  8. frank you are perfect and filled with knowledge??? we should all bow to you???


    just the fact that you don’t recognize the term diolog to concensus, shows you are a moron luciferian! and to correct you, like all scumbags you are the one that attacked first.

    and like CHRIST said!!! you can not except the truth because there is no truth in you, you are of your father, satan the first lier and the father of lies!

    wake up to reality frank before it is to late!!!!!!!

  9. First of all I didn’t ask for bows or claim perfection, that is your strawman argument to try and “get control” of this conversation.

    Secondly you didn’t have the word consensus you had ‘concesus’ my point being with the built in spell checker and your inability to capitalize sentences, calling me a “moron” seems rather harsh.

    Thirdly I am very spiritual but not religious. I am a trained medicine man in the ways of the Native American and South American Shamans as well as the Mexican Curendero’s and Japanese Buddhist Monks.

    Your anger at me shows you don’t really walk your talk as a so-called peace loving christian and as an intellectual you are unable to address the biblical quotes I presented.

    Had you been more grounded in your religious indoctrination you would offer at least *some* explanation for the multitude of “kill” quotes found in your book.

    I didn’t “attack” I engaged you in a discussion that quickly fell apart on your end because as I said…faith ain’t fact. You have the right to all the faith in anything you want but don’t try and push your beliefs off as “the truth” because you haven’t a leg to stand on there.

    Now you can continue to name call me if you want or try and be man or woman enough to engage in some honest debate, it’s your choice. But my language usage should be appropriate enough evidence that my IQ is not below 100 and my training should indicate I am not a “devil worshiper.” Especially since I don’t believe in any of that myth.

  10. as I have said, I am not going to have a debate to concensus!!! that is lucifers game, to get us off the GODS honest truth!!!
    we like to call it dragon speak.

    if you can’t understand that, there is no truth in you.
    and you have prooved that to me in every comment you have left.

    as concerning your IQ, that is a MANipulated test for people of this world, and means nothing to me!

    your training as a medicine man or shaman is devil whorship and idolitry, it does not impress me in the least!!!

    you see frank TRUE christians,( not the ones you see on TV or at the corporate churches.) know that there is no in between, there is no middle ground, there is no luke warm in GODS KINGDOM!!!
    either your right or wrong, sane or insane, good or evil, rightious or unrightious and most importantly saved or lost!!!!!!!

    and by everything you have said frank, you are lost . so seek the LORD JESUS and repent. you still have time but not very much!!!

    GOD open his eyes!

  11. You are so convinced with yourself that you can’t even use your name…what is that, some sort of mortal sin??

    How can I seek Jesus when there was no Jesus, it was a made up story. Poor saps like you take all your good energy and put it into boogy man stories.

    Good bye.

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