‘E-Bomb’ Doomsday Conference Starts Today

It’ll fry pace makers, destroy iPhones, and turn laptops into useless paperweights.  It’s the scariest thing most people outside the Washington Beltway have never heard of: electromagnetic pulse weapons.

And you can learn all about it starting today at the EMPACT conference in Niagara Falls, New York.

Electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, is a burst of electromagnetic radiation that fries electronics, from satellites to toaster ovens. The effects of a nuclear EMP were first observed after the 1962 Starfish Prime nuclear test, which knocked out satellites and electronics. EMP weapons are specifically designed to maximize this electronics-killing effect, which can be done by detonating a high-altitude nuclear explosion. Though the effect is most commonly associated with a nuclear blast, the U.S. military, among others, has been looking at conventional weapons that harness the EMP effect. Those who worry about these weapons say that a single EMP attack could shut down the continental United States, creating mass havoc caused by the breakdown in infrastructure.

As the conference description notes: “Two Congressional Commissions, the EMP Commission and the Strategic Posture Commission, have warned that terrorists, rogue states, China and Russia could, using a single crude nuclear weapon delivered by a primitive missile, inflict an EMP attack that would cause the collapse of critical civilian infrastructures–such as infrastructures for electric power, telecommunications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water–across the entire continental United States, that are vital alike for the sustenance of our modern society and the survival of its citizens.”

Concerns about EMP weapons have long attracted a devoted band of doomsdayers, including Roscoe Bartlett, the Republican congressman from Maryland, and former representative Curt Weldon, who has warned of plasma attack weapons (a non-nuclear EMP). Both are speakers at the EMPACT conference.

Though well known and a source of lively debate among policy wonks and nuclear weapons scientists for decades, the threat of EMP weapons haven’t made much headway into popular culture (and a number of scientists dispute the danger of such weapons). The organizers of the conference, EMPACT America Inc. are trying to change the popular perception of EMP with the conference, as well as with Armageddon-esque videos like this:

As an interesting aside, the conspiracy-plagued High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, the radar array in Alaska, has been proposed as a facility that could be used to research ways to “scrub” the upper atmosphere, mitigating the effects of EMP.


Source: Wired

4 thoughts on “‘E-Bomb’ Doomsday Conference Starts Today

  1. What strikes me is that this has been known for generations now. Think back, what were the plans during the Cold War when nuclear weapons were known to cause EM pulses? What did we do? IF the answer is nothing, why was our leadership so bad? I have known about EM pulses since high school physics back in 1972! True, our technology was not as sophisticated as today’s, but the danger to the infrastructure was there. The danger has been there since 1945. Why now such concern? I know the military has been aware of this for years. I was in the military, I read the manuals, I had the training. The threat from aerial nuclear explosions was what it would do to communications and electronics. When we were starting to use computers in line units there were procedures to follow against EM pulses. It even had applied to vehicles and radios for years. Turn the equipment off, unplug it, and if possible shield it, even with dirt (of course you were supposed to wrap it first). Of course we would never know if those procedures would actually work. What ever happen to Civil Defense? I remember the drills of “duck and cover” in Kindergarten. Why did our government for so many years just ignore our defense? Oh yeah, too busy…not! Where has been our leadership? Again, why now?

  2. Please note, the car battery remained charged. The electric motor windows worked. Thus a water pump electric motor would still work, if it had electricity. Using Solar panels, electricity can be harvested and stored in battery’s. A inverter, the DC current can be changed into AC to run well pumps etc. If the USA and home owners developed Solar Electric, this EMP danger would be reduced. Of course “computers” would not work, but we must have alternatives in case of general power failure anyway, or SHOULD have alternatives.

  3. Could this be another swine flu type scare tactic to panic the sheeple? As said above this has been known about for decades. Why now? or is this a precursor type warning of what “might” happen? I do not know but I recommend all to be prepared and be vigilant.

  4. We can be sure if we do not join the satanic system ‘they’ will do their best to take away our communication so that we are separated from others. If we are truly praying to the Living God he can always keep us informed. Remember, if we are united in Christ Jesus Satan can never separate us, It would only look so in the flesh but our true bond is spiritual and our weapons of warfare are also spiritual and ‘they’ cannot take that away from the chosen,called-out,elect of God,born again christian. In Jesus’ name, amen. I plead the blood of Jesus over all my circumstances, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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