Pictures of The Estimated Two Million People at the Washington Protests

I was there, and I say more than ever~God Bless America…Keep up the fight, there are millions out there that feel just as we do…It was awesome, I no longer feel alone in our fight to ‘ TAKE AMERICA BACK’  OVER 2.5 MILLION PEOPLE, IS THAT AWESOME OR IS THAT AWESOME… VIRGINIA BROOKS

Subject: MORE GREAT pics and news of Sat DC protest
We were EVERYWHERE in DC……we jammed the streets and the mall.  DC got a lot of money from the “POLITICAL  LYNCH  MOB” as CNN called it.
It appears that the Capitol surveilance cameras, which would have given further proof of the huge numbers of Americans in attendance at the D.C. Tea Party, were turned off!  Coincidence?  Yeah, right!
Obama ducked out of town, with his mirror and his teleprompter in tow. He went campaigning in Minnesota ……
This event had been promoted as a taxpayer “tea party,” but the crowd’s concerns were wide ranging, from outrage at ACORN and Obama’s socialist cadre known as Czars, to Obama’s untruthfulness. Protesters also displayed signs mocking Nancy Pelosi and others for smearing the grassroots movement as “astroturfers” and as an angry mob.
The two photos above show a tiny fraction of the two million ABC estimates attended. At the time this photo was taken, around 1:00 pm., Pennsylvania Avenue was still jammed completely, and the mall was packed from the Capitol Building past the Washington Monument. See aerial photos here.
Protesters came from every state in the union. This man came from San Antonio, TX. I spoke with others from California to Maine, Florida to Alaska.
These Ohioans took a day off their rodeo bullriding schedule. They said they’ll be back at it tomorrow.
In the very center of the photo, above the Silence is Consent – Can You Hear Us Now sign, you can see Pennsylvania Ave., which at this time is totally blocked with protesters who cannot move forward to the Capitol area. Sorry, full up.
UPDATE: Another excellent sign here
Free Republic post has fabulous pics here
While Obama did the cowardly thing and ducked out of  town, history was made in DC. Video of traffic cams shows 1.5 to 2 million march on 912 rally.
Tea party dc OVER
screen shots Nelson FOX LIVEFEED HERE
Hundreds of thousands have converged on DC – not activists, not professionals, not tools of Soros orgs or mainstream media lemmings People who have never engaged politically before.
This ain’t manufactured.
Down on the mall — its not “tea baggers” or ‘town hallians‘. It is Americans.

The line of protesters completely filled Pennsylvania Avenue for blocks, all the way to the capitol, according to the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency. People were chanting “enough, enough” and “We the People.” Others yelled “You lie, you lie!” and “Pelosi has to go,” referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

Others are waving U.S. flags and holding signs reading “Go Green Recycle Congress” and “I’m Not Your ATM.” Some men are dressed in colonial costumes. Police on motorcycles and horses watched as the marchers passed. (more here)

Obama  – you will not get away with the coup. This is America. Not Europe. Or Kenya. Or Indonesia. Or some banana republic. Congress, 2010 is right around the corner.
Tea party dc
Tea part dc2
The left is going down. Nasty tricks:

According to ABC, a man called FreedomWorks office in D.C. and said, “I put a bomb in your building, bitch.” This forced the evacuation of 50 people who were working to prepare for the event and get out the word about it.

A FreedomWorks staffer told ABC News that the organization’s offices at 601 Pennsylvania Avenue were evacuated on Friday afternoon by DC Metro Police because of a bomb scare.

DC Metro police has confirmed to ABC News’ Jason Ryan that the DC Metro police had, indeed, evacuated the organization’s offices after being told by the organization that it had received a bomb threat.

The threat came when a man called the FreedomWorks main line and told the organization’s female receptionist: “I put a bomb in your building, bitch.”

The FreedomWorks staffer who spoke with ABC News said that the organization has received multiple threats but that for some reason, the DC Metro police thought that this one was credible enough to evacuate the building.

Having dispatched units to and responded to countless bomb threats in my military and law enforcement career, I can tell you that this would have shut down FreedomWorks operations for at least an hour or two as police swept the building for a bomb and any other evidence. It also would have hampered FreedomWorks’ resources as staff continued to work with and provide information to police even after the dust began to settle.

UPDATE: Video from the Free Republic National Convention. Speakers are Major Stefan Cook, Lt Colonel Allen West, and Andrew Wilkow.
DC censorship:

web cam shut off at the Washington Mall

5 thoughts on “Pictures of The Estimated Two Million People at the Washington Protests

  1. I like the word “party” over protests. These parties are a celebration of America (what America means, not what it is becoming). They really are more like a party-how could so many ticked off people have such a great time?
    When I was to the one in April, we all were just having our say with smiles on our faces, I didn’t see any hate or ridicule or vulgarity or vile speech.
    What a wonderful site.

  2. Let`s do it again!…this time we should beg the “Oath Keepers” to attend….what a glorious opportunity,and they blew it.Matter of fact…I`ve never seen them anywhere except some obscure web site.
    Where the hell are the so called Oath Keepers? We have soldiers,and Marines patrolling our streets..Unconstitutionally”…Locked & Loaded…have you seen any “Oath Keepers”…NO!
    Where was the honorable Harry Reid,and Nancy Pelosi? I didn`t see them walking amongst the people.Are the afraid for their life because they are loved so much..afraid they may be hugged,and kissed, to death and showered with gifts?
    America must rid itself of these cock roaches..the sooner the better.Try to imagine waking up one morning and seeing Nance in bed with you…their ain`t no pill that would cure that disgusting feeling.Maybe “Acorn” would find something for her to do..know what I mean?
    Harry Reid! I`m trying to get the Oakland Raiders to hire him as their “Towel Boy”…in speedo`s no less….with KY Jelly in a holster.

  3. These hillbilly dumbasses have been whipped into a frenzy by Hannity, Rush, and that homo Glenn Beck. If they only knew of the deception Israel forced down their throats on 9-11, they’d burn that town to the ground.

  4. Just under 995,000 people attended the rally in Washington on Saturday. Of them, 86% of the adults who were 18 last November had voted for the selected president from Kenya.

  5. I didn’t know the right-wingers could organize a mob like this. Where were all these people when Bush was wrecking our country?
    Our president as much as stepped onto a sinking ship. His staff and him have been busy plugging the leaks.
    The Republicans have the audacity to even mention the deficit, when they set all the records in the past. The rich were the ones who benefited.
    Now president Obama is trying to do what is right by all the people, and the right-wingers can’t stand it. They are afraid that they are going to have to pay their fair share of the taxes. LOLH!
    (laughing out loud hysterically).

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