Having Purified Water now, and in an Emergency

Water is an essential part of our lives, and we should be drinking it all the time. We use it when showering, watering our grass and gardens, and in so many other ways. Most people probably don’t know what is in their water, and also may not be prepared to have water in an emergency, or in a time of natural disasters. Most of us take if for granted, but there are a growing number of people who question what is in their water, and they want to make sure it is filtered or purified.

By J.G. – What is in the Water your drinking?

Some of the bacteria that may be in our water include E. coli and Giardia, which have been found at high levels in many sources of water throughout the USA. The water we drink can also contain high amounts of Chlorine, and heavy metals which can affect our kidneys and central nervous system. Unfortunately chlorine is used in high amounts because water is recycled in a lot of municipal water sources.

Also, Water Fluoridation is a highly debated topic not just online, but throughout the world. A good source of information on the history of water fluoridation can be found in the book “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson. I highly recommend reading this book. The book details the history of just how and why fluoride was introduced to the public over 60 years ago, and how scientists falsified information and studies to make fluoride seem as though it was great for your teeth. www.fluoridealert.org is also a great resource on fluoride and its harmful affects on the body.

We need to be aware of these contaminants in our water, and know how to remove them from our water sources not only on a daily basis, but especially in an emergency. Water Purification Systems are plentiful throughout the USA, but we have found one that stands above them all. The Berkey Water Purification Systems have been tested and found to remove Chlorine, E. Coli, and many other contaminants to non-detectable levels. They not only filter the water, they purify the water. All the systems come with at least 2 Black Berkey elements, that not only keep in healthy minerals like calcium and magnesium that your body needs, but also remove or reduce pathogenic cysts, parasites, harmful or unwanted chemicals such as herbicides and pesticides, Volatile Organic Compounds, detergents, organic solvents, trihalomethanes, cloudiness, silt, sediment, nitrates, nitrites, heavy metals, foul tastes and odors. Fluoride can also be filtered out by using the PF-2 Filters in conjunction with the Black Berkey elements.

The Berkey systems only run on gravity (no electricity needed), and good for when you need to bug-out or need to filter water from a stream or lake.

All in all, we need to be more aware of what is in our water, and how to have clean and pure water not only daily, but also in an emergency.

Source: Restore the Republic

Checkout our Auction:

Auction: Support Dprogram by Bidding on a ‘GO’ Berkey

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