Historic 9/11 Debate with Bigard, Laurent, Kassovitz and Harrit on French TV

You have until October 28 to learn French because French TV France 2’s L’objet du scandalewith Guillaume Durand will air a historic debate over the official version of the 9/11 events.
Mathieu Kassovitz, Jean-Marie Bigard, Éric Laurent, Niels Harrit

by World for 9/11 Truth

On one side: 4 people with the hard task to defend the official version. On the other side, Jean-Marie BigardMathieu KassovitzÉric Laurent and special guest Niels Harrit will tell France and the world why they don’t support the official theory and why they find it disturbing.

Read the article: http://world911truth.org/historic-911-debate-with-bigard-laurent-kassovitz-and-harrit-on-french-tv/

Source: 911Blogger.com

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