Video: 9/11 Truth Vers la Vérité

In this excellent video, there are several distinguished 9/11 Truth researchers and activists presented at Vers la Vérité such as:

( The 9/11 truth movement is growing ever bigger worldwide. I would like to encourage everyone to take an active role in your local 9/11 truth group. We need to stand up and speak out together peacefully as one and demand a new investigation into 9/11, because i truly feel that we as a free society will not be free much longer if we continue to let those that are really responsible for the attacks to get away with it much longer. srsean1968 )

Cynthia McKinney, former member of U.S. Congress
Annie Machon, former MI5 officer
Niels H. Harrit, researcher at University of Copenhagen
Deborah Blake, co-organizer Vers la Vérité
Guilieto Chiesa, European MP

Keep up the good work everyone !


One thought on “Video: 9/11 Truth Vers la Vérité

  1. I have published an Open Letter to Eric Holder, the US Attorney General, asking him to either properly investigate the 9/11 Attacks or charge me with libel for accusing Dick Cheney of murdering at least 175 innocent American citizens that fateful September morning. Please read the letter, and show your support by asking that the charges be filed against me if the government will not conduct an open investigation to find the true criminals responsible for murdering nearly 3,000 of our fellow countrymen.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Daniel Edd Bland III

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