Video: Cynthia McKinney and Niels Harrit about 911, an exclusive interview

Friday, the French webTv La Télé Libre will broadcast a video report made in Paris during the special 911 truth event “Vers la vérité”, including an exclusive interview of the ex-representative of the US Congress Cynthia McKinney and the scientist Niels Harrit.

envoyé par latelelibre. – L’info internationale vidéo.…


It is more and more logical to doubt the official version of 11-September

More and more people around the world are wondering about the gray areas around the attack on Manhattan and the Pentagon. Some of them were recently given an appointment in Paris, during a special weekend devoted to the presentation of the geopolitical upheavals caused as a result of these events. Private citizens or public figures, all claiming loudly in the streets as for the microphones of the few journalists who deign to question them, the right to challenge the government story recounted by American authorities. Left to suffer in return stigma, scorn or sarcasm new inquisitors.
Exclusively, La Télé Libre went to meet these unusual troublemakers, to understand and make understand what drives them. And if everyone interprets freely September 11, everyone can agree on one essential point : this day shrouded in mystery still determines our collective choices, and not the best. Our future is also built in the light of what we know about these attacks. But perhaps, more importantly, of what we do not know.

A story of Hicham Hamza
Interviews with John Paul Lepers
Images: Hicham Hamza and Matthieu Martin
Cut-editor: Olivier Joube


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