There Is NO Economic Recovery Happening

(MarketTicker) – We cannot recover until we purge the excess debt from the system, and the longer we take to do that, the longer the pain will last and the worse it will be.

The Market Ticker
January 9, 2010

Look folks, this is really quite simple.

Economic Stability and Recovery = Credit Expansion.

President Obama and Tim Geithner know this – that’s why they are constantly harping on banks to “lend more.”

Well, they may want banks to lend more but the people are fed up with being debt slaves and are borrowing less.

Today, we got the latest from The Fed on this subject:

Consumer credit decreased at an annual rate of 8-1/2 percent in November. Revolving credit decreased at an annual rate of 18-1/2 percent, and nonrevolving credit decreased at an annual rate of 3 percent.

I have updated the charts, and this is where we are as of November:

featured stories   There Is NO Economic Recovery Happening

Non-revolving debt (basically auto loans) has pretty much stabilized since mid-year.  But consumer revolving debt – credit cards – continues to accelerate in its rate of decline.

The longer-term view looks like this:

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These rates of decline are unprecedented and they are not slowing down.

The drop in credit card debt outstanding is on the largest on record since The Fed started keeping those records in 1943!

Consumer recovery?

There is none!

It is axiomatic that you can pump yourself full of speedballs (e.g. government spending) and stay up for days at a time.  It is also true that if you do too many speedballs you will have a heart attack and die, and there is no way to know precisely which is the “one too many” until you shoot it – at which point it’s too late to change your mind!

The so-called “recovery” has been driven by pump-priming, which has had at its root one primary intent – to drive citizens into herd behavior and get them to spend more and more (that they don’t have!)

But at the same time this has been the message credit card rates have been ramped and lines slashed.  So now Joe Six Pack is faced with a 30% interest rate on his credit card – if he has any open line left!

There is no possible way for this program to work, since the entire problem originally – what began this recession – was people that were unable to make their debt payments in the first place!

Small business will not hire until their debt load comes down to a reasonable level.  This will take literal years if we don’t quit trying to prevent the contraction of both asset prices and credit levels.  In the mean time millions of Americans will remain in destitution!

There is no way to avoid the bankruptcy of those firms and individuals who are over-levered.  The best solution (take the pain now!) will not prevent the bankruptcies, but it will get them over with and let the nation begin to emerge from the morass within 12-18 months.  For every month we keep trying to prevent the liquidation of insoluble debt we add months of additional time to that required to resolve the bust and deepen the amount of pain that must be suffered, since all we are doing is adding more debt upon existing debt.

It is time for Washington DC, including The Fed and Congress along with President Obama to embrace the facts – we must finish the de-leveraging that is necessary to return the citizens and corporations of this nation to fiscal health.  At the same time the government must stop spending twice what it takes in in taxes.

We have consumed too many speedballs, our heart rate is now 160, and if we don’t cut it out the bond market is telling us that we are about to have a fatal heart attack.

4 thoughts on “There Is NO Economic Recovery Happening

  1. Amen, brother!

    The problem is that Lefties like Obama/Reid/Pelosi don’t let facts — either mathematical or historical — get in the way of their agenda. Don’t tell ’em what really works; don’t tell ’em what the majority wants, thinks, or needs. They have special interests they are beholden to and a mission to accomplish!


  2. Do you ever consider that perhaps they do “embrace the facts”. That they do know what you know. That de-leveraging is necessary to return the citizens and corporations of this nation to fiscal health. It’s really not that hard to understand, it’s not rocket science – pretty much anyone older than a fifth-grader understands that spending more than you have causes financial ruin. So that leaves only one logical conclusion. They don’t want the nation to return to fiscal health. They don’t want a strong dollar and an independent middle class. They want citizens to beg them to suckle at the government tit. They want centralized control and power. They’re breaking America on purpose. Wake up.

  3. Your right of course they know what they are doing. This is all part of the plan to transform America into Marxist country.

    They are evil scumbags all of them vote them all out is our only hope.

  4. Funny, I just received a report from the Democratic National Committee, and they said that the Democrats have fixed the economy

    They also wanted a donation and for me to fill out their survey. As a recovered Dem[though certainly not now a Repub], I did not donate, but I answered as honestly as I could, and it wasn’t pretty. They also asked us to “number prioritize” their “14” issues, with 14 being lowest priority and 1 being the highest. Problems arose when I discovered there were only 13 issues listed. Typical political stupidity. So, I stated on the side that their #1 highest priority should be to learn to count. I also said that Obama was a traitor to the Democratic Party and to the US, and he should be impeached, and I put his 2012 reelection as the LOWEST possible priority.

    They also “suggested” that it was important to counter the Repubs’ propaganda with their own propaganda. Well, I am not into propaganda for political parties. What I am into is the TRUTH, and that is not coming from either “liberals” or “conservatives.” Why can’t people remember who and what they were bitching about just last year? Me, I still have the same political views; it’s just the people at the top–and their unwary followers–who change their views every four years. So, if you see yourself as “coming from the right,” or “coming from the left,” you are being bamboozled.

    It is time to think for ourselves, and forget these “party games.”

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