Video: State of the Union is “theatre” – Gerald Celente

(RussiaToday) – Gerald Celente offers his thoughts on Obama’s State of the Union address. January 28, 2010

See Also:

Peter Schiff Speaks About the State of the Union – View Video Here

3 thoughts on “Video: State of the Union is “theatre” – Gerald Celente

  1. I agree with Celente. The suggestion that if we don’t have Bernanke, the economy will collapse? So, if Bernanke dropped dead this afternoon, the economy would collapse? Anybody who swallows this BS is missing the gorge in their throat–what utter and complete nonsense. So, how did the economy work before Bernanke? How will it work in thirty years when his body is dust and bones? NOBODY is that indispensible. Give me a break!

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