The Enemy Within

The 2005 movie “Lord of War” opens with lead actor Nicholas Cage standing in a street littered with spent shell casings. He turns and speaks to us with droll sincerity:
“There are over 500 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That is one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other eleven?” (written and directed by Andrew Niccol)

Kirby Ferris
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
February 12, 2010

We can assume that this was meant to shock the viewer as diabolical, avaricious, and monstrous.

As for me? I thoughtfully nodded my head and muttered: “Good question. How can we?”

There seems to be two basic personality types involved in the “gun control” debate. They are:

1. The “cold, dead fingers” crowd, who, because of combat or law enforcement experience, a personal encounter with violent crime, or a thoughtful analysis of history (mixed in with some simple common sense), realize that personal self defense is a natural right, an unalienable right. It is a right that is not merely a privilege granted to you by government. And to many, along with the defense of the innocent, it is a mandate of their deepest religious beliefs – see “The Ten Commandments of Self Defense

2. The “only soldiers and the police should have guns” crowd. These patently illogical and deluded individuals have a perverse trust in government, especially Big Government. In fact, for most of them, the Bigger the Better… ala the United Nations. Many of them are mentally ill. See psychiatrist Dr. Sarah Thompson’s terrifically insightful essay here: “Raging Against Self Defense

Now let me introduce you to the little known “poster girl” for group #2.

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