Video: Huckabee Talks Up Oxymoronic Fair Tax

(KurtNimmo) – Organized theft knows no bounds. Both Democrats and Republicans are seriously addicted to stealing your money. Democrats are out in the open about it while Republicans attempt to hide their penchant for organized thievery behind a facade of “fairness.”

Kurt Nimmo
February 23, 2010

Huckabee says a permission-to-live tax will be fair because it will force “prostitutes, drug dealers, and gamblers” to ante up to government.

On Monday, Mike Huckabee, the guitar-playing Republican statist who doubles as a darling on Fox News, wrote about the so-called “fair tax.” The Huck said he merely disagrees with Obama and has no “desire to see his plans and policies fail. My goal is to see them change.”

Huckabee repeats the Republican mantra that the IRS should be abolished. “We need a dramatic overhaul that eliminates the penalties on productivity. Instead of changing the IRS code, we should eliminate it and the IRS. Why punish work, investment, entrepreneurial risk and savings; the very things that really do stimulate the economy?” he writes. Huck then admits that both sides of the One Party aisle have “tinkered with the tax code,” but to no avail — “it only gets larger, more complicated, and more costly to comply with.”

Instead of a direct income tax, the former Republican candidate for president suggests a tax “on our consumption of resources, not our creation of resources.”

Murray Rothbard framed this thievery scheme appropriately — he called a tax on consumption a “permission-to-live” tax.

Huckabee says a permission-to-live tax will be fair because it will force “prostitutes, drug dealers, and gamblers” to ante up to government. In other words, a “fair tax” will create new revenue streams where none existed previously.

Republicans, of course, really don’t mean it. They are not opposed to theft at gunpoint. They just want to make the rip-off more “fair.”

Back in 2007, Rep. John Linder, a Georgia Republican, introduced H.R.25, dubbed the Fair Tax. The language of the bill says it will “promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily by the States.”

Naturally, the bill went nowhere. Because hell will freeze over before the government allows the Sixteenth Amendment to be tossed in the dustbin of history. Under Democrats or Republicans, government will only increase the authoritarian power of the IRS Mafia.

Forget Huckabee’s lip-service. If you really want to know what establishment “conservatives” think about taxation, take a look at the video below. In the video, Fox News darlings Glenn Beck and Bill O’Reilly debate a national sales tax and a value added tax in order to “pay down the debt” owed to a cartel of international bankers.

Notice Beck and O’Reilly didn’t even bother to suggest the income tax be eliminated, the IRS disbanded, and the Sixteenth Amendment repealed.

Beck, O’Reilly and the Republicans want a “fair tax” and a continuation of the larceny that has gone on uninterrupted since 1913.

Source: Infowars

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