Video: EPA Head – No Warming Since 1995 Doesn’t Mean Warming Isn’t Occurring

(SteveWatson) – EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson engaged in doublespeak of the highest degree today as she told reporters that no statistically significant increase in global temperatures since 1995 does not mean that there has not been human induced global warming. Read More Here

One thought on “Video: EPA Head – No Warming Since 1995 Doesn’t Mean Warming Isn’t Occurring

  1. Is Double-Speak Contagious?

    I am sorry to be so way off topic here, but I just MUST vent this little bit of double-speak I witnessed with my own ears:

    In my class this morning, a classmate tried to claim that “non-violent demonstrations are, in actuality, violent.” Most of the other cone-head students fell for his vapid word-play, awed by his flawed logic, but I did not and neither did the Professor. Other than the abysmal STUPIDITY of this claim, what else made this bit of mental and spiritual retardation REALLY so disgusting?

    1)This classmate is BLACK, and it was the commitment to non-violent protest on the part of his own ancestors–who put their very LIVES on the line with these demonstrations—so that HE would not have to endure the same dehumanizing humiliations and violence that they did.

    2) This class is held at HARVARD, a place not only where “higher learning” is supposed to be on the agenda, but also a place where he would have been cleaning my vomit up off the floor, rather than inducing it as an utterly stupid and ungrateful recipient of someone else’s generous commitment to non-violent protest.

    3) This HARVARD class is called “The Dynamics of BLACK Preaching,” and it was the leadership in the Black churches which provided the support and inspiration for the largely successful civil rights movement of the 1960s-70s.

    4) This is HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL, and this boy(Yes “boy,” not because he is Black, but because I have children older than him), dares to claim that he is a CHRISTIAN, and more than that, that he is committed to being a MINISTER.

    5) This boy smirked during the entire deeply-inspired lecture of my beloved and learned Professor, who worked with MLK Jr., and this boy showed absolutely NO RESPECT for this honorable man. He believes non-violence is violence. Does he also believe that violence is non-violence? I hope so, because just one more offense against this Black professor–who makes all us students’ intellects combined look like a tiny pile of mouse S**T–and I am going to kick him where the sun don’t shine.

    I am WHITE. I am also a woman, and I DO appreciate what my predecessors did to make it possible for ME to have greater opportunities–not just the “suffragettes” either, but the framers of our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. I am so sick of ALL these people who conveniently forget the sacrifices of those who made possible what freedoms we have and are so willing to just throw them away! But, just let their local Starbucks run out of their favorite flavored high-fructose corn syrup, and they crap their nappies!

    Sorry, DProgram, you’ll probably not want to let THIS diatribe get past moderation, and I don’t blame you. This is just too off topic, but I have had a belly-full of the overwhelming stupidity, not only of such “authorities” as this EPA fraudlet, but also of the hordes of brain-dead zombies who so cravenly digest all the lies with satisfaction. They say we are “conspiracy theorists” who just WANT to believe that our proud nation is now reduced to a laughingstock, when it is they who cannot handle the truth, so they will believe any patent nonsense so long as it means they don’t have to break a sweat. It makes me almost agree with the eugenicists–almost. I’d say they have a right to an opinion, if only they could produce one of their OWN.

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