Canada: 9/11 Truth Storm in Mainstream Media

(911Blogger) – A recent bombshell in Quebec’s newspaper “La Presse” talking about the World911Truth conference May 3rd in Montreal with Richard Gage, AIA and Dr. David Ray Griffin has created a coast to coast storm in the mainstream media. From major TV in Quebec, to mainstream radio, to the most popular newspaper in Canada, the Toronto Star, this 9/11 truth debate is being carried out this week-end and is not over.

We invite you to read this article from the Toronto Star:

U.S. skeptics to speak of 9-11 cover-up at three Canadian universities

by Andy Blatchford
The Canadian Press

As seen in the Toronto Star, Canada’s highest circulation newspaper.

MONTREAL—Three Canadian universities will be used as a venue for a speaking tour by prominent 9-11 skeptics who believe controlled explosions — not airplanes — brought down the Twin Towers.

Americans Richard Gage and David Ray Griffin dispute the conventional wisdom that foreign terrorists linked to al-Qaeda destroyed the World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001.

They are scheduled to give lectures titled “9/11: Explosive Evidence and the War in Afghanistan” at the University of Toronto, Carleton University and the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) over the coming days.

The Ontario Association of Architects is inviting students in its continuing education program to take in the event for extra credit.

This tour comes right on the heels of a free-speech controversy that erupted when U.S. pundit Ann Coulter had an appearance cancelled at the University of Ottawa.

UQAM says the conference is not a school-sponsored activity; it’s simply renting out a 700-person auditorium.

“The university is a place of thought and free expression of certain opinions and I think that’s one of guiding principles,” spokeswoman Francine Jacques said Friday.

Faculty members at the Montreal university told La Presse they are upset the institution is being used for the event.

One told the newspaper it harms the school’s credibility, calling the speakers “liars, impostors and conmen.”

Click here to read the full article.

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