
(LewRockwell) – Beware the Recent Situation in Greece: It Will Happen Here! – Gary D. Barnett – Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – Mervyn King: “World’s Worst Financial Crisis Ever”

Bank of England Governor Mervyn King says: “We are still halfway through the world’s worst financial crisis ever.” He is in good company.

The following experts have said that the economic crisis could be worse than the Great Depression: Read More Here

(CalculatedRisk) – California: “Absolutely terrible” budget cuts to be announced at 4 PM ET – Read More Here

(YahooFinance) – Video: TechTicker – Dow Tumbles as “Disintegration” Fears Haunt Europe

Hopes that a massive $1 trillion bailout for Europe would hold the financial markets together came unglued Friday. Stocks tumbled around the world and the U.S. followed suit. Heading into the close, the Dow was down more than 230 points. – Video Link Here

(GeorgeWashingtonBlog) – The Bailout of Big American Banks Has Cost Trillions More Than We’ve Been Told

Granted, the $700 billion dollar TARP bailout was a massive bait-and-switch. The government said it was doing it to soak up toxic assets, and then switched to saying it was needed to free up lending. It didn’t do that either. Indeed, the Fed doesn’t want the banks to lend.

True, as I wrote in March 2009: Read More Here

(MarketWatch) – The second debt storm

The debt mountain that brought down some of the world’s biggest banks and dragged the international financial system to the brink of disaster has simply shifted to governments. Now it’s threatening countries around the globe — and, if left unchecked, could rip the very fabric of Europe’s economic system and wreck economic recoveries in the U.S., China and Latin America. Read More Here

(USAWatchdog) – Is the Financial System Corrupt?

Recent headlines coming out of the financial world have been jaw dropping. Here are a few: Read More Here

(WSWS) – US media demands Greek-style austerity for American workers

In recent days, the US media—led by the standard bearer of American liberalism, the New York Times—has insisted that workers in the US, like their brethren in Greece, have been living the good life for far too long and must accept a drastic and permanent reduction in their living standards. Read More Here

(CNBC) – Video: The Economy & Your Portfolio with Rick Santelli ‘This European Crisis Should Be A Wake Up Call’

A look at the big issues facing the economy and how investors are playing them, with Michael Pento, of Delta Global, and Jordan Kimmel, of National Securities. Video Link Here

FLASHBACK – (WashingtonExaminer) – In 2005, U.S. intelligence warned of Euro econ crisis and EU’s demise unless welfare states downsized

In 2005, the National Intelligence Council prepared a prescient report warning that overextended welfare states could lead to economic crisis and possibly the collapse of the European Union sometime in the next 15 years: Read More Here

(FinanceMarkets) – US banks under investigation

Eight Wall Street banks are facing an investigation following allegations that they provided misleading information to several ratings agencies in order to gain a better rating for mortgage securities. Read More Here

(ChartingStocks) – Dollar Jump Resembles ‘08 Crash

On Wednesday, I wrote about the troubling signal given by the Volatility Index (VIX) as it surged in a manner which resembled the 2008 crash. Today we can add another market indicator to the “trouble” list – The US Dollar. Read More Here

(AlethoNews) – New Iran sanctions bill to kill 20,000 US jobs each year

Major US firms are warning Congress against passing legislation to impose new sanctions against Iran, saying such sanctions will further damage the US economy.

Boeing Co. and Exxon Mobil Corp. are lobbying to fend off tightened sanctions against Iran that business groups say will cut US exports. Read More Here

Video: The New World Order Currency Crisis

(Kitco) – Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

Let’s connect the dots on the ENTIRE financial system right now. Read More Here

(LondonTelegraph) – US faces same problems as Greece, says Bank of England

Mervyn King, Governor of the Bank of England, fears that America shares many of the same fiscal problems currently haunting Europe. He also believes that European Union must become a federalised fiscal union (in other words with central power to tax and spend) if it is to survive. Just two of the nuggets from one of the most extraordinary press conferences I have been to at the Bank. Read More Here

(LondonGuardian) – Nicolas Sarkozy threatened to pull France out of the euro

French president Nicolas Sarkozy threatened to pull his country out of the euro if other EU countries, especially Germany, did not agree to help rescue debt-laden Greece. Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Volcker Sees Euro ‘Disintegration’ Risk From Greece

Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker said he’s concerned that the euro area may break up after the Greek fiscal crisis that sparked an unprecedented bailout by the region’s members. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Financial Chaos And The Smell Of Napalm In The Morning

What in God’s name should we make of it all? On Thursday, the New York Stock Exchange had its most severe plunge in history – nearly 1000 points, before it recovered minutes later. On Monday, it shot up 400 points, one of the biggest spikes in memory. All told, the variance was around 1400 points over the period of a couple of days.

The context for this, of course, is the financial turmoil that has spread from Greece and is sweeping across Europe, threatening the very existence of the European Union and the Euro as a common currency. Last week alone, it is estimated that global stock markets lost $3.7 trillion of their value as a result of this crisis (1). According to the Canadian finance minister Jim Flaherty, not even the Canadian economy is immune from the financial contagion. Read More Here

(EconomicPolicyJournal) – Geithner Briefs Super Power Elite, Friday Afternoon

In addition to Rockefeller and Lady de Rothschild, on Friday afternoon, Treasury Secretary Geithner will also meet with the other members of the Board of Directors of the Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics to discuss the Administration’s agenda for economic growth and strengthening the global financial system.

Here’s the hefty list of the Institute’s Board of Directors: Read More Here

(HomeSolutionCounselors) – You are not in default. Freddie Mac is making your payments!

Yes it is true. I have seen it with my own eyes and IN WRITING. In our office we have on record a statement from Freddie Mac, which they submitted to the courts, that “Freddie Mac has made all relevant and required payments to the investors on behalf of the borrowers.” Did you catch that?!?!

Yes, Freddie Mac acting as the Master Servicer, has been making payments to the debt owners of a mortgage. How can the borrower be in default? Read More Here

(Bloomberg) – Euro Breakup Talk Increases as Germany Loses Its Currency Proxy

What was conceived as a club for Europe’s strongest economies was expanded for political reasons, leaving the currency union with minimal powers to police deficit spending and no safety net for dealing with countries, like Greece, that veer toward default.

German officials are already debating what was unthinkable to the euro’s architects: that a currency union designed in its founding treaty to be “irrevocable” might not be. Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said March 12 that expulsion from the euro may be the ultimate penalty for serial violators of debt rules. Read More Here

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