Is BP trying to cap the Gulf oil well, or keep it flowing? (opinion) – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Today, I spent my time interviewing people on the Gulf Coast from Mississippi to Louisiana. Several of those interviews were conducted on camera, and you’ll be seeing those videos as early as tomorrow here on NaturalNews.

Interestingly, it turns out that a lot of the people living on the Gulf Coast have a history of working with oil companies — and even on oil rigs. I spoke to several people who have a work history with BP, and two of them told me they are certain that British Petroleum is NOT trying to stop the oil coming out of the well. What they are trying to do, I was told, is SAVE the oil well so that they can capture the oil and sell it.

This claim stands in direct contradiction to what BP says. The company insists it’s trying to stop the flow of oil from the well. But if you look at BP’s actions, what they’re really trying to do is siphon off the gushing oil where it can be pumped to a tanker ship and sold as crude. It is a simple matter, by the way, for oil companies to separate water from oil. They do it all the time in oil fields all across America. So if they can siphon off the oil from the Deepwater Horizon well — even if it’s mixed with water — they can sell it for potentially billions of dollars.

It raises the question: Is the economic promise of captured oil causing BP to avoid using its best effort to cap the well?

Tapping, not capping

Notice that the new device they’re lowering onto the well is designed not to close it off but to pump the oil to an awaiting ship. This is a plan to “capture” the oil, not to seal off the well.

The mainstream media hasn’t picked up on this yet, by the way. To my knowledge, no one is yet reporting this story that BP may have never had any intention of actually capping the deep sea well.

We already know BP has been extremely dishonest with the media about this entire situation. By distorting the truth and lying to the public, BP has lost all credibility with almost everyone (Governors, Senators, journalists, etc.). So how can we trust that BP is actually trying to cap this well when there’s so much money to be made from allowing it to keep spilling oil that can soon be captured?

In other words, it’s in BP’s financial interests to avoid capping the well and claim the well can’t be capped when, in reality, what they may be trying to do is buy more time until they can lower a “capture containment device” onto the well head that can direct all the outflowing crude oil to BP’s awaiting tanker ships.

In talking to the people face to face here on Gulf Coast, I learned that Gulf Coast people don’t trust BP, and they don’t trust the company’s intentions. Today was the first I had heard of the BP agenda to “keep the well flowing” yet suddenly this theory makes sense. BP, after all, went through all the trouble and expense to drill the well. Why wouldn’t they want to cash in on the crude oil coming out of it?

To collapse the well and plug it for good would destroy BP’s chance to siphon off oil and sell it for profit (until at least August, when the pressure relief wells are expected to be completed). And that is perhaps the single most important reason why oil is still flowing out of that well right now.

As one person I interviewed today put it, “Why should a British petroleum company care about what happens to America’s shores?” After all, the financial payoffs to the businesses hurt by the spill may pale in comparison to the billions of dollars in profit to be had from tapping — not capping — the well and turning crude oil into raw cash.

There will be more to this story. Let’s see if the mainstream media picks up on this angle.

By the way, I don’t yet have conclusive proof that BP’s intentions are to avoid capping this well. It’s just a working theory based on people I’ve talked to here on the Gulf Coast who appear to know what they’re talking about. BP would obviously deny this, but then again BP has denied many things that we know to be true (like the fact that the beach cleanup crews specifically cleaned the beach on Grand Isle before Obama showed up, then left promptly as soon as he left).

If you haven’t yet, check out my CounterThink Cartoon on the BP oil spill at

Also, watch for video interviews with the people on the Gulf Coast. We’ll be publishing them here on NaturalNews starting as early as tomorrow.

I’m headed to New Orleans tomorrow to check out the local scene there and see what else I can find out by talking to the locals on the front lines.

Source: Natural News

One thought on “Is BP trying to cap the Gulf oil well, or keep it flowing? (opinion) – Mike Adams

  1. BP is not trying to shut this well in, and from the pictures I have seen they have no Blow Out Preventer(BOP) on the bottom surface of this well head. There are no BOP blind rams or shear rams in any of the pictures Ive seen. The BOP’S should be sitting on the bottom surface of the ocean floor. The BOP would be attacheced to a surface casing that should be cemented into the sea bed floor with 300 to 400 feet of casing below it. This is how a blow out preventer is set up. The pipe that is spewing oil appears to be running horizontal out of the sea bed, this has no way of being set up for a BOP,as it should be attached to the end of the spewing pipe and it would be spewing or should be spewing out the top of a BOP! Also the casing that is spewing the oil out cannot have been cemented into the sea floor, it is at a horizontal angle which means they were directional drilling into this well from the horizontal angle instead of a vertical entry. This is the newest drilling method for accessing more oil in the formation.
    I do not beleive they had a BOP set up on the sea floor, this would have had to be on the surface rig itself. Also a BOP has with it, blind rams and shear rams. These are used if there is no drilling pipe in the hole and you have a blowout, you close the blind ram to seal the hole. The shear rams are used if you have drilling pipe in the hole and while drilling you have a blowout, the shear rams shear off the pipe and close in the hole. None of these devices have beeen seen in any of the photos I have seen.
    I dont beleive they have a BOP set up and I dont beleive their top kill method was even utilized or tried because it would be near imposssible to do, yet they gave it a 60-70% chance of successs.
    First of all, what kind of a pipe or even steel pipe would stand the presssure at one mile below the ocean floor. You would have to use a flexible hose to try and enter a steel casing to pump mud into the well, or would you use solid drill stem pipe and try to put it into a steeel casing about 10″ in diamter, that appears to be laying in a horizontal position.
    I personally beleive that they have not or never will be able to shut this in, because there is no way they have any BOP device on the casing that is showing the oil spewing out, at the bottom of the ocean this would be imposssible.
    Another more comment is that the intense presssure at the bottom of the ocean floor one mile down is incredible,if this well is spewing oil at one mile down with that kind of pressure, a top kill with mud even if they actually did try it would be impossible to do. That is if you could get a hose into the casing to even attempt this, and try to pump mud.
    I have worked on many land rigs in Alberta oilfields and have not seen the off shore set up or how they are configured, but the principle is the same, and they have no BOP”S on that ocean floor that I have seen, or anywhere that the pipe is spewing oil.
    I beleive they did not have a BOP on this ocean floor and I also beleive they are arrogant enough to think they did not need it, that the pressure at this depth
    if a well blew out they would probably have thought that this Hydrostatic pressure at one mile down would have shut this well in on its own. One more thing to consider is that I have seen no Drilling experts on the news shows discussing this delema, because I’m guessing they still want to work for BP!
    Wake up America they have lit the fuse and you are now prepsring for the explosion!

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