Soldiers to Patrol Bars, Restaurants in New York State

(WWNYTV) – Fort Drum is going to start sending out two person “courtesy patrols” to local bars and restaurants several nights a week. The patrols will target fights, drinking and driving and other misbehavior.

Each “courtesy patrol” will consist of an officer, and a senior non-commissioned officer. Several patrols will operate each Thursday through Sunday from 8 p.m. to 3 a.m., effective immediately.

The patrols will be on the lookout for “things that don’t emulate Army values,” said Julie Cupernall, Fort Drum spokeswoman.

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That includes fighting and “reminding soldiers that there are many, many alternatives to drinking and driving” Cupernall said. Read entire article

Mourn On The 4th of July – John Pilger

Liberals say that the United States is once again a “nation of moral ideals”, but behind the façade little has changed. With his government of warmongers, Wall Street cronies and polluters from the Bush and Clinton eras, Barack Obama is merely upholding the myths of a divine America Continue reading