Predictive Programming in Movies – Swordfish (2001)

The criminal and unethical fruits of the mind of Gabriel quickly become apparent at the beginning of the movie. Halfway through the movie it also becomes clear that Gabriel either works for, or collaborates with, a US Senator named Reisman. Although Reisman tries to call off Gabriel’s pet-project named Operation Swordfish, after he receives information that the FBI is closing in on Gabriel and his crew, his principled involvement with Gabriel is pretty telling as it shows that crime-boss Gabriel is linked through Reisman with the US government. Nonetheless at this point it is uncertain in regards to this unsavory connection as to what extent Reisman represents the US government. It could be that Reisman acts, for all intents and purposes, as a rogue independently from the government and that Operation Swordfish is not at all a government sanctioned operation, even it being a covert one. It will become apparent at the conclusion of the movie which alternative applies.

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