Creating the Great ‘Union’ Divide

(MakeItEightEh) – According to Glenn Beck, the reason Obama can not allow the cleanup in the Gulf from the oil leak is the “Jones Act”, which gives the Unions power to effect control over who works on boats. No foreigners are allowed. Yet, Obama has no problem with allowing illegal immigrants. Good point Glenn, or is it?

It would appear just as Beck fed enough truth and good information on George Soros and his involvement in Brazilian oil giant Petrobras, he has diverted once again from the true issue, and is on the attack of labor unions and their pensions. Continue reading

Louisiana lawmakers: BP can’t handle Gulf oil spill cleanup anymore

(ChristianScienceMonitor) – The three week-old environmental crisis took on new urgency last weekend as oil moved west of the Mississippi River and threatened Barataria, Terrebonne, and Atchafalaya bays, as well as the wetlands of Jefferson, Lafourche, and Terrebonne parishes – among the state’s most fertile fisheries. Read More Here

See Also:

(Guardian) – White House aims to use Deepwater disaster to win votes for US climate bill

Senators are set to take a last run at producing a climate and energy law tomorrow, betting on the spectre of environmental disaster raised by the BP oil spill to build support for a comprehensive overhaul of America’s energy strategy. Read More Here

(Examiner) – Toxic chemicals used in BP oil spill cleanup, oil to remain flowing through Gulf

In spite of responsive cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico after last month’s oil rig explosion and spill, officials from British Petroleum (BP) announced Wednesday, May 12 that oil flow will resume as soon as leaks are stopped. Read More Here

(AP) – What went wrong at oil rig? A lot, probers find

New disclosures Wednesday revealed a complex cascade of deep-sea equipment failures and procedural problems in the oil rig explosion and massive spill that is still fouling the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and threatening industries and wildlife near the coast and on shore. Read More Here

(WSWS) – US Senate begins oil spill cover-up – Read More Here

(DemocracyNow) – Video: As Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Spreads, BP, Halliburton and Transocean Executives Deflect Blame for Spill at Senate Hearings – Video Link Here

(ComonDreams) – Moving Our Nation Beyond Petroleum – Read More Here

(Boston) – Disaster unfolds slowly in the Gulf of Mexico – Read More Here

Demolition Access to the WTC Towers: Part Four – Cleanup

(PuppetGov) – Who could have placed explosives in the World Trade Center (WTC) buildings? As a society we are faced with this question due to the growing amount of evidence that explosives were used to bring down all three buildings, and due to the enormous implications of that possibility. Continue reading

MSM: Surprising cancers seen in young 9/11 officers

(MSNBC) – Researchers say a small number of young law enforcement officers who participated in the World Trade Center rescue and cleanup operation have developed an immune system cancer. Continue reading