Israel’s Naked Zionfascism

The establishment in 1948 of a Zionist state on Palestinian land is often seen as constituting the greatest danger to world peace. Yet, Western powers led by the U.S. continue to support and defend Israel’s militarism and war crimes in Palestine. What has changed is the nakedness of Israeli war crimes and Western endorsement of Israeli’s Zionfascism. Continue reading

Gaza Genocide – Updated

1.5 million people, mostly kids, imprisoned without food, water or medicine being ruthlessly attacked by one of the largest armed forces in the world. The Gaza conflict started by Israel launching an airstrike on Gaza on Dec 27, 2008. It has also started firing rockets at itself from Lebanon to justify an invasion there. Continue reading

Proof Positive: Israel Using White Phosphorus in Gaza

Jerusalem, Jan 10, (RHC).- Evidence has emerged proving that Israel has been using controversial white phosphorus shells during its offensive in Gaza, despite official denials by Tel Aviv. There is also evidence that the rounds have injured Palestinian civilians, causing severe burns. The use of white phosphorus against civilians is prohibited under international law.

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Israel Accused of Weapons Experimentation, War Crimes in Gaza

AMMAN — The Israeli war on the Gaza Strip entered its 17th day Monday as the United Nations and other organizations took Israel to task for human rights violations and war crimes, which include experimenting with new weapons on the civilian population of Gaza. Continue reading

Video: Doctor tells of Unconventional Weapons used in Gaza

Israeli forces in Gaza have been accused of using unconventional weapons during their operations. In an interview with Irans Press TV, Mads Gilbert, a Norwegian doctor who arrived at Gazas Al Shifa hospital as a volunteer, said Israelis had used a tungsten alloy weapon that could generate pressure waves powerful enough to sever limbs.
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