Health News

(Bloomberg) – J&J Unit Pleads Guilty to Improper Topamax Marketing (Update2)

A Johnson & Johnson unit admitted it illegally marketing its Topamax epilepsy drug for other ailments, fulfilling part of an $81 million settlement reached in April with the government. Read More Here

(USAWeekend) – Most babies need a vitamin D supplement

New research suggests that almost all babies need a vitamin D supplement. According to a study in March published online in Pediatrics, only 5% to 37% of U.S. infants under age 1 meet the standard for vitamin D set by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2008: 400 international units a day. Only 1% to 13% of infants under age 1 get a vitamin D supplement today, the study says. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Dupont complains that Monsanto is running a seed market monopoly

Chemical and agricultural giant DuPont has accused rival Monsanto of maintaining a seed monopoly, in a complaint filed with the U.S. Departments of Justice and Agriculture. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – If ultrasound destroys sperm, why is it safe for a fetus? – Mike Adams

Ultrasound is extremely damaging to the health of any unborn child (fetus). The natural health community has been warning about ultrasound for years, but mainstream medicine, which consistently fails to recognize the harm it causes, insists ultrasound is perfectly safe and can’t possibly harm the health of a fetus. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Hemp History Week, a look back at America’s hemp heritage

Let U.S. farmers grow hemp! This is the battle cry of those who recognize the value and history of hemp and lament the fact that domestic farmers have been unable to legally grow it for over 50 years. In an effort to change this, Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association have announced May 17-23, 2010, as Hemp History Week, a time when patriotic Americans are encouraged to anchor and organize events in their hometown as part of a national grassroots, media and public education campaign about hemp. Read More Here

Video: Amy Philo Interview Exposes Devastating Effects of Psychiatric Drugs on New Moms

(NaturalNews) – Today we’ve published an exclusive interview with Amy Philo, winner of the 2008 Human Rights Award from the Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights ( After experiencing a horrifying episode of hallucinations following the taking of prescribed psychiatric drugs, Amy Philo was essentially kidnapped by psychiatric doctors and forced to undergo a doubling of the dosage, and at one point the side effects of the mind-altering drugs were so strong, she thought she was going to kill her newborn child. Continue reading

MSM: Many pesticides in EU may damage human brain: study

Many pesticides used in the European Union may damage brain growth in fetuses and young children, according to a study published on Friday.The study urged the European Union to tighten restrictions.

“Toxicity to the brain is not routinely included in testing pesticides,” Philippe Grandjean of the Harvard School of Public Health and the University of Southern Denmark told Reuters.
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