Health News

(Bloomberg) – J&J Unit Pleads Guilty to Improper Topamax Marketing (Update2)

A Johnson & Johnson unit admitted it illegally marketing its Topamax epilepsy drug for other ailments, fulfilling part of an $81 million settlement reached in April with the government. Read More Here

(USAWeekend) – Most babies need a vitamin D supplement

New research suggests that almost all babies need a vitamin D supplement. According to a study in March published online in Pediatrics, only 5% to 37% of U.S. infants under age 1 meet the standard for vitamin D set by the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2008: 400 international units a day. Only 1% to 13% of infants under age 1 get a vitamin D supplement today, the study says. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Dupont complains that Monsanto is running a seed market monopoly

Chemical and agricultural giant DuPont has accused rival Monsanto of maintaining a seed monopoly, in a complaint filed with the U.S. Departments of Justice and Agriculture. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – If ultrasound destroys sperm, why is it safe for a fetus? – Mike Adams

Ultrasound is extremely damaging to the health of any unborn child (fetus). The natural health community has been warning about ultrasound for years, but mainstream medicine, which consistently fails to recognize the harm it causes, insists ultrasound is perfectly safe and can’t possibly harm the health of a fetus. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Hemp History Week, a look back at America’s hemp heritage

Let U.S. farmers grow hemp! This is the battle cry of those who recognize the value and history of hemp and lament the fact that domestic farmers have been unable to legally grow it for over 50 years. In an effort to change this, Vote Hemp and the Hemp Industries Association have announced May 17-23, 2010, as Hemp History Week, a time when patriotic Americans are encouraged to anchor and organize events in their hometown as part of a national grassroots, media and public education campaign about hemp. Read More Here

The Names often Change, but the Game Remains the Same

(OpEdNews) – Correlating concepts is one literary tool which unifies stories and ignites sparks in readers. Recognition of correlations in written words and in real life instigates thoughts on metaphors in stories and truths in reality. I think the stunning power of correlations, whether in story or reality, comes from the innate human desire to find truth and such universality might arm one with knowledge to better find it. Continue reading

Canada’s hemp acres on the rise

(EndProhibition) – Canadian farmers are expected to grow more hemp this year, as demand for both the seed and fibre is increasing, and the crop can offer good returns to producers, according to an industry official. Continue reading

Ron Paul and Barney Frank Introduce Hemp Farming Legislation – HR 1866

A federal bill was introduced yesterday that, if passed into law, would remove restrictions on the cultivation of non-psychoactive industrial hemp. The chief sponsors of HR 1866, “The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009,” Representatives Barney Frank (D-MA) and Ron Paul (R-TX), were joined by nine other U.S. House members split between Republicans and Democrats. Continue reading

Marijuana helps in battle against cancer: study

The main chemical in marijuana appears to aid in the destruction of brain cancer cells, offering hope for future anti-cancer therapies, researchers in Spain wrote in a study released Thursday. Continue reading

Hemp Is Not Pot: It’s the Economic Stimulus and Green Jobs Solution We Need

We can make over 25,000 things with it. Farmers love it. Environmentalists love it. You can’t get high from it. So why is it still illegal? Continue reading

Film: Run From The Cure – The Rick Simpson Story

Rick Simpson Story After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil. When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge. When the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana. Continue reading