30 Shocking Quotes About The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill That Reveal The Soul-Crushing Horror This Disaster Is Causing

See Also: (CNN) – Obama to use Gulf oil spill for energy agenda push – Read More Here

Also: (CNN) – Video: Filmmaker Spike Lee States the Obvious: BP in Cahoots with Government – View Video Here

(EconomicCollapseBlog) – It is incredibly hard to put into words the absolute horror that is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now.  The millions of gallons of oil that have gushed into the Gulf of Mexico and BP’s efforts to fight the massive leak are turning the Gulf into a lifeless toxic stew of oil and chemicals.  The damage caused to wildlife in the Gulf by this spill will be incalculable.  Entire species are at risk of being wiped out.  Scientists are telling us that the primary dispersant being used by BP ruptures red blood cells and causes fish to bleed.  Continue reading

Gulf Oil ‘SPILL’ – What A Lie – J. Speer-Williams

See Also: (AP) – La. officials: 8-inch tar balls washed up on beach – Read More Here

Also: (PressTV) – US let BP drill in Gulf without permits – Read More Here

(Rense) – Spill? The corporate media continues to call the volcano of continuous gushing oil, in the Gulf, a spill. How insulting. A volcano that shoots out a million gallons of crude oil a week is hardly a spill.

The common definition of a spill is the liquid that fell out of a container, a one time occurrence, not a massive flow that has no known end. An oil tanker can spill oil; but not Mother Earth, who has been and still is continuously gushing oil from 35,000 feet from within her bowels. Continue reading

Oil Spill

(OilPrice) – The Cover-up: BP’s Crude Politics and the Looming Environmental Mega-Disaster – Wayne Madsen

WMR has been informed by sources in the US Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and Florida Department of Environmental Protection that the Obama White House and British Petroleum (BP), which pumped $71,000 into Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign — more than John McCain or Hillary Clinton–, are covering up the magnitude of the volcanic-level oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and working together to limit BP’s liability for damage caused by what can be called a “mega-disaster.” Read More Here

(Independent) – Million gallons of oil a day gush into Gulf of Mexico

Interviews with surviving Deepwater Horizon rig workers show how explosions led to what may be the world’s worst oil spill Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – Officials prepare for oil spill reaching Florida’s west coast – Read More Here

(MiamiHerald) – As oil wells went deeper, safety measures didn’t get tougher

As companies ventured into deeper and deeper water to drill for crude, they employed the same safeguards that had failed under far less stressful conditions at lesser depths. Read More Here

(BrassCheckTV) – Video: Oil company business as usual: Shell Oil – corporate criminals – Video Link Here

(Uruknet) – British Petroleum’s oil spill is latest crime in a criminal history

BP reaps huge profits from its global plunder Read More Here

(RevPolitics) – Video: Big oil controlling Obama

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is uncovering some dirty details, plans are underway to try and cap the spill. There are new allegations surfacing that say President Barack Obama and oil company British Petroleum are masking the severity of the oil spill. Wayne Madsen says that President Barack Obama is just helping out the same people that contributed to his campaign in 2008. View Video Here

(EarthObservatory) – Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Observed From the International Space Station – View Pic Here

(Inquirer) – New scale of disaster looms in Gulf of Mexico

Concern grew Sunday that the US Gulf coast is facing a whole new level of environmental disaster after the best short-term fix for a massive oil spill ran into serious trouble. Read More Here

BP Oil Spill

(WSWS) – The Gulf oil spill: An American Chernobyl

With each passing day, the scale of the disaster unleashed by the oil rig explosion in the Gulf of Mexico increases. Somewhere between 5,000 (the official estimate) and 25,000 (the estimate of some scientists) barrels of oil is surging into the Gulf every day. Before it is over, millions, if not tens of millions of gallons of oil will be washed up on America’s wetlands and shorelines. Read More Here

(AP) – Another week at least of unabated Gulf oil geyser

Another week of oil pouring from the seafloor. That is the best-case scenario for the Gulf Coast, where dead sea turtles washed ashore and a massive rust-colored slick continued to swell from an uncontrolled gusher spewing into the water. Read More Here

(WSWS) – BP oil spill threatens environmental catastrophe on US Gulf Coast

The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is turning into one of the worst environmental disasters in US history, likely devastating local economies throughout the region and potentially the East Coast of the United States. Efforts to contain the spill have so far been ineffective, hindered by poor weather, while capping the leak at its source could take months. Read More Here

(MSNBC) – Video: Heck-of-a-Job-Brownie Plays HARDBALL – Continue reading