Good News: Former Pentagon Spook Withdraws TSA Nomination

(KurtNimmo) – Retired Army Maj. Gen. Robert Harding is no longer in the running to head up the TSA. “President Barack Obama’s second nominee for transportation security chief withdrew from consideration Friday because of questions over his background as a defense contractor,” reports the Associated Press. – Continue reading

Obama Ready to Appoint Former Military Intelligence Official to Run TSA

(KurtNimmo) – If Obama has his way, military intelligence will soon be running the Transportation Security Administration.

“President Barack Obama plans to appoint a former senior Army official with a career in intelligence to lead the Transportation Security Administration,” reports the Associated Press. “The president is expected to announce his choice, retired Gen. Robert Harding, on Monday, according to an administration official who spoke on condition of anonymity because the announcement is not yet public.” Continue reading

MSM: Yet another new flu virus emerges in Canada

(Reuters) – Canadian officials said on Tuesday they had identified yet another new flu virus, this one a mixture of human and swine influenzas, in two farm workers in Western Canada. Continue reading

Beware of Obamanomics

In 1920–21, the United States faced a grave economic crisis, worse than the first year of the Great Depression. Double-digit unemployment and a 21 percent decline in production over the previous twelve months greeted the new president. Continue reading