Video: New F35’s For North American Union

(NAUResistance) – “Defence Minister Peter MacKay, Public Works Minister Rona Ambrose, and Industry Minister Tony Clement announce plans to acquire 65 Joint Strike Fighter F-35 aircraft from Lockheed Martin. New Democrat MP Malcolm Allen reacts to the controversial $16-billion contract.” – Sounds Like A Broke Government Up To Their Eyeballs In Debt To Me! Good Thing We Are Giving Up Our Sovereignty To Stop The Global Financial Crisis, Even Better We Are Being Taxed To Death To Help Stop It.. Ahhh.. Whats $16 billion To Keep Our Neighbors To The South, Happy Right? Continue reading

Canada says Russian bomber intercepted near its airspace before Obama visit

Canadian fighter jets intercepted a Russian bomber near its airspace in the Arctic three days before U.S. President Barack Obama visited Ottawa last week, officials said Friday. Continue reading