Obama’s War Surtax On the Productive

(Kitco) – After a relaxing Thanksgiving break, I anticipated to return to work in a lighter frame of mind. However, the following item from FOX News crushed that hope right away: Continue reading

Shepard Fairey declared new Propaganda Czar

I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw that headline on tomorrows MSNBC homepage. With the amount of unconstitutional “Czars” created under Obama now topping 28, (second most ever, being 5). Until it is formally declared though, it can be the title of this article. Why such a biting sarcasm you ask? Well… I suppose there is an element of dramatic effect in my motives, but honestly it is more a result of my feeling of betrayal. Continue reading

Video: Oath Keepers Orders We Will NOT Obey Full Length Video

1. We will NOT obey orders to disarm the American people.
2. We will NOT obey orders to conduct warrantless searches of the American people Continue reading