World War

(SouthLebanon) – The Biggest Threat to Peace in Middle East

A build up of heightened tension in the Middle East is escalating in the last few weeks. American and Israeli postures towards Lebanon, Syria, and Iran have become more threatening. Listening to speeches of political leaders one hears talks only about war not peace. Iranians and Israelis are continuously training hard for a possible showdown Read More Here

(MoneyTeachers) – Did North Korea Just Start World War III?

Sinking another country’s ship is considered an act of war. Examples include “The Maine”, “Lusitania”, Pearl Harbor and the Tonkin Gulf. I realize that these were either permitted or “False Flags”. Yet, they did provide the pretext for the Spanish American War, World War I, WWII and Vietnam. Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Israel’s Ongoing War Against the Press

The recent arrest of an Israeli journalist who allegedly leaked materials to a reporter, and the gag order that followed, is just the latest in a long string of Israel’s systematic attacks on press freedom. Read More Here

(YNet) – Eisenkot: IDF prepared for all-out war within hours – Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – The Simplicity of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

There is a general perception that the reason the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has continued for so long is because it is extremely complex. Nothing could be further from the truth. Placed in historical context, understanding the root cause of the conflict is simple, and in doing so, the solution becomes apparent. Read More Here

(Fox) – Senate Takes Up ‘Emergency’ War Bill Despite Obama Pledge to End Practice

A year after President Obama pledged to end the practice of funding the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with “emergency” spending bills, the Senate is taking up a $60 billion request that would do exactly that. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – America’s Exalted Capacity for Murder

What does the new British government make of its war in Afghanistan? While we await a clear statement, events in the blighted country hurtle with their own menacing momentum towards the endgame. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Obama’s Drone Blitz: They Seek Them Here, They Bomb Them There …

Let us imagine that Spain invaded Mexico in similar fashion to the US invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 because Madrid suffered a terrorist atrocity that was planned by a Saudi Arabian fanatic living in Chihuahua. Read More Here

(InfoClearingHouse) – Memorial Day 2010 – Corporations Profit from Permanent War – Bill Quigley

US law officially proclaims Memorial Day “as a day of prayer for permanent peace.”

However, the US is much closer to permanent war than permanent peace. Corporations are profiting from wars and lobbying politicians for more. The US, and the rest of the world, cannot afford the rising personal and financial costs of permanent war. Read More Here

(PressTV) – ‘Israel offered nukes to apartheid SA’

Declassified documents cast new light on Israel’s nuclear arsenals, revealing an offer by Israel to provide South Africa’s apartheid regime with nuclear arms.

In an article published on Sunday, UK-based daily The Guardian explained how South African officials asked for nuclear warheads and Tel Aviv promised to sell them to the apartheid regime. Read More Here

(NoOneHasToDieTomorrow) – Robert Rodriguez Backpedals on His ‘Message to Arizona’

After weeks of being at the forefront of controversy over his ‘Cinco de Mayo Message to Arizona’, Robert Rodriguez is on the run.

Rodriguez is now labeling his Machete trailer a “fake” and excusing himself by calling it a “case of too much tequila”. His pathetic and arrogant backpedaling was posted on Ain’t it cool news, the same site that originally released the illegal Machete trailer. Here is a small sampling of his recent interview with Harry: Read More Here

(NorCalTruth) – U.S. Pays Off Afghan Poppy Farmers

ABC report is describing a “new approach” to the poppy production in Afghanistan.
“If WE SECURE them getting a good harvest, now they’re going to get paid for their hard work. Then we can deal with trafficking afterwords” – U.S. Soldier in new ABC report. View More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Pentagon Contractor Profits Rise —Along With Casualties – Sherwood Ross – Read More Here

Video: Palestinians Dehumanized By Israeli Checkpoints – Continue reading

Much Of Afghan Drug Money Going To ‘Our Friends’

(NPR) – One of the most revealing things we learned this week about the war in Afghanistan came in a Los Angeles Times report headlined “Taliban Drug Proceeds Lower Than Thought.” Continue reading