Video: More than you ever wanted to know about Squalene

“Instead of mass murdering quickly and compassionately, putting squalene in today’s swine flu vaccines assures populations will suffer chronically and painfully for life, assuming people survive the viral recombinants in the vaccine.” Continue reading

Video: Swine Flu Pandemic, 2009 – Anglo-American Genocide

The “Big One” is coming, experts say. The growing H1N1-H5N1 recombined flu pandemic implicates the Anglo-American Vaccine Pipeline, proves world leading consumer health protector, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, using documents published by implicated officials. Dr. Horowitz reports here on the leading Anglo-American network of genetic engineers manipulating, mutating, and distributing the pandemic flu viruses. Continue reading

Fast-tracked Swine Flu Vaccine under Fire

We are very concerned over the stockpile of experimental vaccines that appear to be intended for mass vaccination. Please allow me to submit the enclosed report, also pasted below, which summarises existing evidence on why mass vaccinations especially of school children should not be undertaken. Continue reading