Kagan Argued for Government ‘Redistribution of Speech’

(CNSNews) – Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan said the high court should be focused on ferreting out improper governmental motives when deciding First Amendment cases, arguing that the government’s reasons for restricting free speech were what mattered most and not necessarily the effect of those restrictions on speech. Read More Here

See Also:

(Reason) – The Bounds of Silence – Obama’s Supreme Court pick looks wobbly on freedom of speech – Read More Here

The Road to Copenhagen Part II: Rise of the Social Engineers

As Lord Christopher Monckton pointed out, the Copenhagen conference at the beginning of next month is designed to eliminate national sovereignty in favor of a world government to replace it. With a stroke of the pen all UN-member-states will, by doing so, throw away years of prosperity in order to satisfy the transnational needs of a global elite, hellbent on destroying the last vestiges of freedom around the world in the name of “redistributing wealth”. Continue reading

The Democrats Are Privatizing Wealth Redistribution – Campaign for Liberty

George W. Bush redistributed more wealth during his presidency than any president had since Lyndon Johnson. Republicans really have never had any problem with redistributing wealth as long as the proceeds go to the right people. Since Medicare benefits senior citizens, a constituency that no election can be won without in the baby boomer retirement era, Republicans had no problem using the force of government to take money from one individual and use it to buy “healthcare” for another — as they did with their Medicare prescription drug benefit. Continue reading

Peter Schiff’s advice on fighting inflationary depression

Amid an “inflationary depression” in the U.S., Peter Schiff, president and chief global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, sees opportunities in the maelstrom. Facing a massive redistribution of wealth, he advises investors to act quickly and “divest U.S. dollar assets into physical precious metals, other currencies and equities outside the United States.” Continue reading