BP Oil Gusher

(FloridaOilSpillLaw) – “Unprecedented” fish kill in Jacksonville for past two weeks “isn’t related to annual cycle”; “Lesions in the brain… points to toxicity” (PHOTOS) – Read More Here

(Fox) – Video: Shepard Smith and JudgeAndrew Napolitano on BP – Video Link Here

(CBSNews) – Video: Fears Over BP Claims Process

Business owners that filed claims with BP fear that they won’t ever see the money. Kelly Cobiella reports from Grand Isle, La. Video Link Here

(TampaBay) – Gulf oil disaster: Pensacola Beach (click to see all 22 photos)

The tide came in Tuesday night, under a moon almost full, and when the sun came up and the water retreated there it was: a broken band of oil about 5 feet wide and 8 miles long.

It looked like tobacco spit and smelled foreign, and it pooled in yesterday’s footprints as far as you could see. State officials called it the worst show of crude on shore from the gusher 120 miles away. Read More Here

(ABCNews) – Video: Dolphins Beached on Gulf Shores

Forty-seven dolphins have beached themselves following the BP oil disaster. Video Link Here

(SFGate) – BP oil spill Corexit dispersants suspected in widespread crop damage(Updated) – Read More Here

(Rense) – Panama City FL – People Vomiting, Respiratory Illnesses

Panama City Beach, FL — People are sick with vomiting, stomach illness, upper respatory. Air smells like oil. Thunderstorms bring highly volatile clouds with much aberrant lightening. Plants are dying. Seeds from plants are not germinating.

We have to move in order to protect our health and safety. Most have lost everything. Source: Rense – Comments: Here

Gulf Oil Catastrophe

(Examiner) – Oil slick enters Gulf loop current, tar balls found in Florida Keys

NASA satellite imagery on Monday shows that the rapidly expanding oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico has entered a powerful current known as the Loop Current, which flows through the straits of Florida and along the eastern seaboard as far north as North Carolina before heading out into the Atlantic. The entrance of the oil slick into the Gulf Loop Current is what officials fear will be a catastrophic event. Read More Here

(NCoal) – Officials Find Tarballs Along Key West Shores

Yesterday Coast Guard personnel discovered two dozen tarballs on Key West shores. They’re in the process of testing them to see if they came from the Gulf of Mexico’s growing oil disaster.

If so, it could determine the oil has been in the gulf’s loop current for at least the last several days. Scientists have feared that once the oil gets into the loop current that it could gravely damage South Florida’s coral reefs and wildlife. Read More Here

(WashingtonsBlog) – The Responses to the Gulf Oil Spill and to the Financial Crisis Are Remarkably Similar … And Have Made Both Crises Much Worse

The Gulf oil spill and the financial crisis were both caused by excessive risk-taking by industry giants and the “capture” of politicians and regulators by the corporate behemoths.

Moreover, the response to the Gulf oil spill and the financial crisis are remarkably similar. Read More Here

(AP) – Video: Politicians, Scientists Fear Spreading Oil Slick

New video released by BP shows oil and gas erupting from its crippled blowout preventer safety device on the ocean floor. Meantime Interior Secretary Ken Salazar acknowledged his agency had been lax in overseeing offshore drilling activities. Continue reading