Global Economic Crisis: Look To Asia for The Financial Tsunami Wave, Not Europe

(FutureFastForward) – This will be one of my shortest articles as it is written as a RED ALERT.

When I send out Red Alerts, it is a dire warning and a call for immediate action to protect your wealth (if there is any remaining). Continue reading

Video: Singaporean Air Force being trained in the United States

(AlexAnsary) – 80 miles west of Twin Falls- Idaho, something strange is happening. Mountain Home Air Force Base is now the home of The Republic of Singapore’s newest air force base and their training is being combined with that of the US Air Force. This marks another example of foreign troops being trained within the borders of the United States. Only this time, the men being trained come from a dictatorship that enjoys close ties to China. Continue reading

Video: Are You Ready for the Next Crisis? – Paul Craig Roberts

Evidence that the US is a failed state is piling up faster than I can record it.
One conclusive hallmark of a failed state is that the crooks are inside the government, using government to protect and to advance their private interests. Continue reading

MSM: North Korea to move intercontinental missile: report

(Reuters) – North Korea is preparing to move an intercontinental ballistic missile from a factory near Pyongyang to a launch site on the east coast, a South Korean newspaper quoted a source in Washington as saying on Saturday. Continue reading