World War

(TheIndependent) – US persuades Security Council to impose new Iran sanctions

Washington claimed it has reached an agreement with its allies, including China and Russia, for tough new sanctions against Tehran. Sweeping aside a putative deal announced by Brazil and Turkey on Monday, which was meant to assuage Western concerns about Iran’s nuclear activities, the US Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, claimed that a draft sanctions package tabled to the full UN Security Council last night had the endorsement of all five of the permanent members – France, Britain, Russia, China and the US – as well as Germany. Read More Here

(Breitbart) – Video: Bangkok Burning – Thai Protesters Set Fire to Landmark Buildings During Deadly Gunbattles

The New York Times: As they retreated, protesters set fire to the country’s stock exchange and a number of buildings including a major shopping mall, two banks, a movie theater and a television station.

But the crackdown did not appear to have become the large-scale bloodbath that many had feared. By dusk the government said five people — including an Italian news photographer — had been killed and 52 injured, some critically. Video Link Here

(Fox) – Iran Nuke Agreement Not Enough for Hoyer

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., pushed hard for the passage of the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act Tuesday, despite a pledge from the Islamic republic to send most of its nuclear material outside the country. Read More Here

(AFP) – Study: US missile defense plans based on ‘technical myths’

US missile defense plans are based on “technical myths” and interceptors have mostly failed to knock out incoming warheads in military tests, a new study argues.

Two American scientists reviewed 10 tests of the SM-3 “kill vehicle,” designed to take out ballistic missiles, and concluded that the interceptor succeeded in directly hitting mock warheads in only one or two cases. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: Tarpley – Iran nuclear swap deal a defeat for US policy of isolation

Iran’s deal to ship its’ uranium to Turkey, while insisting on continuing to enrich nuclear fuel, is getting a mixed response globally. Russia’s giving it a guarded welcome, but the U.S. and Britain are far from convinced. They’re continuing to push the UN into more sanctions against Tehran. The sticking point for the United States is Iran’s insistance to carry on enriching its own uranium. But U.S. investigative journalist Webster Tarpley says the deal means his country’s strategy to isolate Tehran has failed. Continue reading