MSM: Did this man’s change of mind thwart case against G20 officer?

(MailOnline) – A pathologist in the case of the newspaper seller who died after being struck by a policeman during the 2009 G20 riots was facing fresh questions last night after he changed the wording of his post-mortem report, undermining attempts to prosecute the officer involved.

Dr Freddy Patel revised his findings a year after carrying out the first examination of Ian Tomlinson’s body. In his initial assessment, he reported that he had found three litres of ‘fluid blood’ in Mr Tomlinson’s stomach.

Twelve months later, however, he wrote another report in which he described the substance he had found as ‘fluid with blood’. Read More Here

The criminalisation of political dissent in Britain

“From foul deeds endless tragedy arises,” the World Socialist Web Site wrote, commenting on the state execution of innocent Brazilian worker, Jean Charles de Menezes, by plainclothes policemen on a London subway train on July 22, 2005.

Events have tragically confirmed that warning. In the years since Menezes’ killing, for which no one has ever been held to account, the legal framework of a police state has been enacted in Britain. Continue reading