Video: Texe Marrs on Alex Jones Tv – Witchcraft In The White House!

Alex also talks with former USAF officer, assistant professor of aerospace studies, and president of the Power of Prophecy Ministries and RiverCrest Publishing in Austin, Texas, Texe Marrs. Continue reading

Korea at DEFCON 1?

Based upon this article in Yahoo! and an article earlier today from Joonang Ilbo, I estimate that as a minimum US Forces, Korea has gone to DEFCON 1 and I suspect that Pacific Command is at DEFCON 2 as a minimum. Continue reading

Obama Presides Over Largest Ever Military Black Budget

The Pentagon’s “black” operations, including the intelligence budgets nested inside it, are roughly equal in magnitude to the entire defense budgets of the UK, France or Japan, and 10 per cent of the total. Continue reading