Pentagon “closes” controversial intelligence unit

After spying on anti-war Quakers, the Counterintelligence Field Activity office will be replaced with the Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center.

August 4, 2008

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Pentagon on Monday said it was closing a controversial intelligence office that had raised concerns about domestic spying by the military after the September 11 attacks.

The Defense Department said it had “disestablished” the Counterintelligence Field Activity office, or CIFA, created in February 2002 by former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to manage defense and armed service efforts against intelligence threats from foreign powers and groups such as al Qaeda.

Those responsibilities will now be carried out by a new organization called the Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center, overseen by the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency.

CIFA’s operations stirred concern among members of Congress and civil liberties advocates. A CIFA database known as Talon, set up to monitor threats against U.S. military installations, was found to have retained information on U.S. antiwar protesters including Quakers after they had been found to pose no security danger, officials said.

Talon, the acronym for Threat and Local Observation Notice, was ended last year as a result of the outcry. But the controversy, leading the Defense Department to reorganize CIFA’s functions after a broad review of Pentagon intelligence operations, officials said.

A senior defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Defense Secretary Robert Gates approved the change after the review found the office’s functions could be performed more effectively by another agency.

The Army, Air Force and Navy operate their own separate counterintelligence operations. Officials said coordinating and management function previously performed by CIFA would be taken over by the new center, which will also oversee DIA’s operations in traditional espionage.

“Integration under one organization will result in greater collaboration in operational and support areas where both disciplines overlap,” Army Maj. Gen. Theodore Nicholas, the center’s new director, said in a statement.

(editing by Randall Mikkelsen and Alan Elsner)

One thought on “Pentagon “closes” controversial intelligence unit

  1. We have previously posted several articles about “Main Core,” the database which accesses information from intelligence agencies like this. Now several of those programs are being further consolidated. It is interesting that Main Core has been referred to by intelligence officials as a resource to be used in a situation of martial law. Radar Magazine appropriately called it “The Last Roundup,” where those of us who are anti-establishment activists will be removed from society in order to protect “Continuity of Government.”

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