Video: The Economy

Universal Currency Converter

I urge you to go to the above link and convert US Dollars into Euros. You will be alarmed to see where our dollar stands in the global marketplace.

On a personal note, I have been getting hundreds of emails recently asking advice about economic issues facing us all today, and what should be done right now with personal assets and investments. This is a very difficult question to ask at any time, but right now with the current economic situation we find ourselves in, these are especially difficult questions to answer. The problem I personally have in speaking the truth is that it feels so damn un-American to say what has to be said. First of all, in my opinion and others, the U.S. Economy is finished and will crash between September 2008 and mid 2009. Right now your money is worth about half of it’s value in the world market place, and if you do not do something right now, it will continue to drop with time. I had been advising people to change there money into Euros before their money loses any more value but the information I am seeing now say’s in the long term view, the Euro is doomed as well. One great option I can suggest is to invest your money into gold and silver. Banks are insured by The FDIC up to $100,000 per individual, but even though banks are insured up to $100,000 remember the federal government is still the insurance agency. The best thing I can suggest at this time would be to pay off everything now with the money you have. Pay all of  your monthly bills, debts and payments as far into the future as you can. Due as much research as you can and use the currency converter link above to keep updated on where the dollar stands in the world market place.  This post has been very hard for me to make, but I feel it is my obligation to warn and inform people of what is and what is to be. Our government is spending over 11 million dollars an hour on the war, the dollar is not backed by gold and is losing it’s value more every day. Food and fuel prices are climbing, plus the jobless rate is also on the rise. Go to the currency converter above and convert 100 US dollars into Euros and see for yourself the shocking truth. – B.A. Brooks – 05/27/2008 (updated: 07/23/08)

UPDATE: Last year I broke the Richards Gebaur NAU/SPP Connection story and also announced the start of the U.S. Recession in December of 2007 on Freedom Fighter Radio. In May of 2008 I broke the story on the September Collapse of the U.S. Economy. Here are a few of my predictions for following 12 months – (#1.) McCain will win the 2008 election. (#2.) We are now entering the early stages of the second great depression. (#3.) The U.S. Economy will collapse. (#4.) Active military will be patrolling U.S. cities in the next several months. (#5.) The doomed U.S. Dollar will no longer be used by other nations. (#6.) The U.S. Government finances will collapse. I urge everyone to join our organizations now, so we can stand together in these dark times!   B.A. Brooks 09/26/08 – Join Here

Personal note: Have you noticed that the government have stopped using the word “Bailout” and have replaced it with phrase “Rescue Plan”? Have you also noticed that they are using the phrase “Trying to stop a recession”? We have been in a recession for over a year now. They should be saying that they are trying to stop a second great depression. – B.A. Brooks 09/25/08

One thought on “Video: The Economy

  1. Just introduced to your opinion.
    Well, most is accurate, except “in a few months” military policing and McCain NOT being elected.
    There has to be some light at the end of your tunnel?

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