Government Bailouts Herald New Era of Tax Payer Slavery – Ron Paul

In the midst of highly unpopular bailouts of Wall Street, many justifications have been given about why Washington feels the need to act. Some claim that capitalism and the free market are to blame, but we have not had capitalism. If you compare our financial capital to our aggregate debt, this would be obvious. In the same way, we have not had a truly free market. The monetary manipulations of the Federal Reserve, a complex tax code, the many “oversight” agencies and their mountains of regulations show that we are far removed from a free market economy. Continue reading

MSM: Yahoo firing 1,500 workers; 3Q profit falls 64 pct

Yahoo to fire at least 1,500 workers after third-quarter profit plunges 64 percent

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Yahoo Inc. will fire at least 1,500 workers to cope with a crumbling economy that dented its third-quarter profit and turned up the heat on the slumping Internet company’s management as investors stew over a missed opportunity to sell to Microsoft Corp. for $47.5 billion. Continue reading

MSM: Majority of States Now in Recession – Oct. 21, 2008

In March, 5 States Were in Recession; Now There are 27 With 14 More at Risk

What started out as a housing problem in a few states has now exploded into a full-fledged recession with a majority of states now in or dangerously close to recession. Continue reading

Claim: Iran will be able to build first nuclear bomb by February

Comment: As many observers have pointed out, the accuracy of Debka File’s reports on Iran is questionable because they are little more than a Mossad front, but we reprint part of the article for the sake of debate.

It is worth noting that the official U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluded that Iran suspended its nuclear weapons campaign in late 2003. Continue reading

North American Army created without OK by Congress – Feb 14 2008

U.S., Canada military ink deal to fight domestic emergencies

In a ceremony that received virtually no attention in the American media, the United States and Canada signed a military agreement Feb. 14 allowing the armed forces from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation during a domestic civil emergency, even one that does not involve a cross-border crisis. Continue reading

Destroying The Village ‘To Save It’

This tortured phrase was the key concept that became the driving force behind our failed military invasion of Vietnam. Today it is rapidly becoming the mantra that underlies the Bailout/Rescue/ Implosion of what was once the basis for US and global financial policies. The reason for turning to this moronic concept was to destroy the global economic system: What is being done now was never intended to “save” it. Continue reading

Is America Fascist?

If it hasn’t gone the way of Mussolini’s Italy and Hitler’s Germany, it’s sure teetering on the brink. America is a nation in deepening crisis, a nation whose leaders repeatedly plunge their citizens into, and make them pay for, serial wars abroad, while stealing their liberties at home. USA has become a country that trashes its citizens(New Orleans), tortures its enemies(Abu Ghraib), threatens other nations with nuclear fire(Iran), flouts international treaties(UN Charter re Iraq), and spies on(FISA), and intimidates, its critics(No Fly). Americans that can clearly see the totalitarian machinations of Vladimir Putin in Russia and Hu Jintao in China are blind to the fascism threatening to envelop them as well. Continue reading

Video: Why Wont The Bail Out Work?

Voters are rightly furious at the proposal to spend $700,000,000,000 that the government doesn’t have to bail out Wall Street bankers who created the current economic crisis in the first place. But why then aren’t we concerned about the trillions of dollars the Federal Reserve is pumping into the system? Or the trillions missing from the Pentagon? Or the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble.

Video: WWF Resorts To Deception In Climate Fearmongering

Global warming fearmongers the World Wildlife Fund have been caught in a new act of deception after citing shrinking Arctic ice coverage to suggest climate change is “faster and more extreme” than first thought, while failing to acknowledge that Arctic sea ice expanded over an area bigger than the size of Germany during the year of 2008. Continue reading

Artic Ice on the Move: Increasing Rapidly

As Anthony Watts blogged last week, the arctic ice is increasing at a very rapid rate. (and this has been updated HERE) You can see how we fell short of last year’s record extent and have recently been rebounding at the fastest rate of the years shown.
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New solar cell material achieves almost 100% efficiency, could solve world-wide energy problems

Researchers at Ohio State University have accidentally discovered a new solar cell material capable of absorbing all of the sun’s visible light energy. The material is comprised of a hybrid of plastics, molybdenum and titanium. The team discovered it not only fluoresces (as most solar cells do), but also phosphoresces. Electrons in a phosphorescent state remain at a place where they can be “siphoned off” as electricity over 7 million times longer than those generated in a fluorescent state. This combination of materials also utilizes the entire visible spectrum of light energy, translating into a theoretical potential of almost 100% efficiency. Commercial products are still years away, but this foundational work may well pave the way for a truly renewable form of clean, global energy. Continue reading

Sun’s protective ‘bubble’ is shrinking

sun protective bubble heliosphere

Data has shown that the sun’s heliosphere is shrinking Photo: AP

New data has revealed that the heliosphere, the protective shield of energy that surrounds our solar system, has weakened by 25 per cent over the past decade and is now at it lowest level since the space race began 50 years ago.

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MSM: Machine Problems Plague 1st Day Of Early Voting

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — People lined up to be among the first to vote at several early voting sites around Jacksonville Monday morning had an extra long wait and some left frustrated when machines at several locations refused to record the ballots.
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Pakistan facing bankruptcy as world financial crisis deepens

Wracked by political instability and hard hit by the global economic crisis, Pakistan is teetering on the brink of default. The country’s foreign reserves have dwindled to around $4.5 billion, equivalent to about six weeks of imports, foreign investors have fled the country in droves and the rupee has fallen sharply. The international credit rating agency, Standard & Poor’s, has downgraded Pakistan to a position superior only to the Seychelles, which has already defaulted.

The government is desperately seeking an infusion of up to $10 billion to shore up the country’s finances. It had been hoping for assistance from longtime ally China, but President Asif Ali Zardari returned from Beijing last Friday without any commitment of cash. Another traditional ally, Saudi Arabia, has refused to provide financial concessions on oil exports to Pakistan. Continue reading

France: €360 billion to bail out the banks

With minimal debate, the French National Assembly endorsed the government’s €360 billion rescue plan for the banks, a massive transfer of public funds to the financial elite, by a majority of 224 to 23. It is part of a coordinated €2.7 trillion action by the governments of the euro zone (15 countries whose currency is the euro) and Britain. The governing UMP (Union for a Popular Movement) was supported by the New Centre and the MoDem (Democratic Movement of François Bayrou). The Socialist Party (PS) and the Greens abstained and the Communist Party (PCF) voted against.
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Expose The Criminals Before They Kill You

We can defeat enslavement by global financial crime if we all can agree on what their crime have been, and what those crimes have cost us, and if we can disconnect from their programmed deceit and move as one mass, in every city and village in united opposition to the debt slavery, wage-slavery, monopoly-slavery, dumb-down slavery, rigged-election slavery, monetary slavery systems that are our chains.

I think I understand the entire Kelptastrophe crime and can explain it to you clearly enough that everyone will have sufficient reason to come together for whole-population resistance and liberation. Continue reading